本文从翻译的基本理论和技巧出发,综合电影文化艺术的基本知识和审美标准,通过大量的实例论证,着重研究了英文电影的片名翻译,结合了包括经济政治文化宗教在内的多方面因素,并从目的论的角度出发,探究出英文电影片名翻译的特点和技巧, 旨在帮助译者更好的翻译英文电影片名,使之更好的融合地域特色,更加精炼生动,整齐匀称,雅俗共赏,神形兼备,能够让英文电影这一大众艺术形式在异国更好的生根发芽,达到促进文化交流,艺术沟通的目的,并以此为契机向人们展示新时代翻译理论的进化过程。
Culture integration and art communication become more and more popular these years, and films, as a classic form of art, has developed a lot. In recent decades, the introduction of English films has made our spiritual life more colorful. Moreover, they have changed our attitudes towards different kinds of culture and helped us take a wider viewer. An impressing film is attractive not only because of its gripping plots or a very strong cast, but also a unique film title, which is innovative in any part of world. As more and more English films have come into the Chinese market, how to play an important role in the competitive market has been pushed into the spotlight. Then how to use appropriate translations of English film titles to appeal audience has become a hot spot.
Although the traditional ways of translation has achieved a lot of gratifying results, it still obeys the rules “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance”, which is proposed by Yan Fu, a famous translator in recent times. However, we find the phenomenon that traditional way of translations from English to Chinese is kind of laggard, for some rules do not fit for the evolving culture. In order to keep the intimate connection between the films and audience, make a fantastic artistic work comprehended by all the people in the world, we need professional translations of titles to generalize the whole story, and demonstrating the social value. For these reasons, we have to take advantage of the essence of traditional translations, and add some modern elements to achieve adequate representation. Thus English films can serve as a bridge of spiritual communication.