DBPSK调制方式是利用前后相邻码元的载波相对相位变化传递数字信息的,所以又称为相对相移键控。假设 △q为当前码元与前一码元的载波相位差,可定义一种数字信息与△q 之间的关系为:
DBPSK modulation transmits digital information using the relative phase alterations of the carriers of previous-and-next neighboring code-elements, therefore is also called relative phase shift keying. Assume Δq is the phase difference of carrier between the current and the previous code-elements, and the relation between a digital information and Δq can be defined as:
Thereby, the relation between an array of binary digital information and their corresponding DBPSK signal carriers can be demonstrated as the following:
Meanwhile, the relation between digital information and Δq can also be defined as
From this demonstration it can be told that, for identical sequences of baseband digital information, due to the difference of their initial phases, the phase of 2DPSK signal does not directly represent baseband signal; rather, it is the relative phase difference between previous and next code-elements that uniquely determines information symbols.
Method to generate 2DPSK signal: First, apply differential encoding to the binary digital baseband signal, namely convert the absolute codes representing digital information sequence into relative codes (differential codes). Then, generate binary differential phase shift keying signal by absolute phase modulation on the relative codes. The block diagram of the principle of 2DPSK signal modulator is shown in Fig. 2-4.
Differential code may take marking differential code or vacant differential code. Where the encoding rule of the former is
Where: is module-2 plus; bn-1 is the previous code-element to bn; the initial value of bn-1 can be set at random.
Formula (1) is called differential encoding (codes conversion) through which to convert absolute codes into relative codes.
2. Demodulation principle and composition of DBPSK signal
DBPSK signal can be demodulated in two ways. One is coherent demodulation (polarity comparison method) plus code inverse transformation method, whose demodulation principle is: Apply coherent demodulation to DBPSK signal to regain relative codes to be converted into absolute codes through code inverse transformer, so that the emitted binary digital information is regained. During the demodulation process, vagueness of carrier’s phase may lead the demodulated relative codes to be the inverse of “1” or “0”, yet an issue brought about from differential. The block diagram of the principle of DBPSK coherent demodulation is shown in Fig. 6.
Where the fundamental principle of the code inverse transformer is:
an = bn⊕bn-1
式中:⊕为模2加,bn为解调后得到相对码元序列,bn-1 为bn的前一个码元,an为所要求的绝对码元。
Where: is module-2 plus; bn is the sequence of relative code-elements after demodulation; bn-1 is the previous code-element to bn; an is to be determined as the absolute code-element.
Another demodulation method for DBPSK signal is differential coherent demodulation (phase comparison method), whose principle can be demonstrated as the block diagram in Fig. 2-7. No specific coherent carrier is in need for this demodulation method; the only requirement is to delay the received DBPSK signal by a code-element interval Ts, before multiplying the DBPSK signal itself. The multiplication serves a function as phase comparison. The product reflects the phase difference between the previous and next code-elements. The original digital information can directly be regained through a low-pass filter before sampling and arbitration, thus no code inverse transformer is required in demodulator.
This method can be better implemented using module with more effective demodulation, so the latter differential coherent demodulation method is adopted when Simulink Module is applied to implement the DBPSK demodulator.
Construct DPSK modulation and demodulation circuits and observe the signals’ waveforms before and after modulation and demodulation using an oscilloscope.
The first strip is the original baseband signal; the second is the waveform of 2DBSK signal; the third is the waveform after demodulation. It can be seen the first and the third are the same in waveform, thereby the simulation is correct.
From Fig. 4-15 it can be seen that, the sequence of demodulated code-elements delays by approximately two code-element intervals as compared with the emitted sequence of code-elements, such that, the following two code-elements cannot be shown in oscilloscope. But a distortion has occurred to the code-elements in the regained sequence after demodulation compared to the emitted code-elements sequence, thereby it is concluded that the DBPSK demodulator designed by Simulink Module meets the demand, meanwhile the modulation waveform of DBPSK also matches that of the emitted code-elements, which proves that the entire module works in a normal state and meets the designing requirement.