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代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand

代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand
Te Miro Undergraduate HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand COURSE HANDBOOK SEMESTER 2 2016 COURSE DESCRIPTION Course title: Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand Course number: HSDV 5140 Level: 5 Credits: 15 Main programme: Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging) Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology) Bachelor of Health and Social Development Bachelor of Social Practice Pre-requisites: Nil Co-requisites: Nil Anti-requisites: Nil Compulsory/elective: Compulsory - common first semester course Learning time: (Lecturer) Contact hours Non-contact hours Total hours 60 90 150 NZQA Level descriptors: Dimension Level 5 Knowledge Broad operational or technical and theoretical knowledge within a specific field of work or study. Skills Select and apply a range of solutions to familiar and sometimes unfamiliar problems. Select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field of work or study. Application [of knowledge and skills] Complete self-management of learning and performance within defined contexts. Some responsibility for the management of learning and performance of others. Course aim: To analyse the cultural, social, political, historical and environmental contexts of contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand and the influences on the well-being of individuals and communities. Learning outcomes: On successful completion of this course the student will be able to: 1 Identify and discuss links between contemporary social issues, the history of Aotearoa New Zealand and the implications for professional practice. 2 Analyse how cultural, social, environmental and political issues impact on the well-being of individuals and communities within the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. 3 Engage in collaborative examination of contemporary issues from a range of perspectives Topics/Content outline: Global systems; Economics and political structures; Environmental sustainability; Major environmental issues; Technology; Sociological concepts; Gender and media influences; Cultural understandings of social and environmental issues including Māori Social Organisation (whanau, hapū, iwi); Introduction to Tikanga Māori, Māori protocol: pōhiri process, basic mihimihi; Treaty of Waitangi, related legislation and related issues and the historical underpinnings of the Treaty of Waitangi; Socio-economic status; determinants of health/wellbeing. Assessment: 代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealandching approaches: ● Online: All course materials are available on Moodle for you to work through in your own time, as suggested in the course outline. Facilitators are available to help you via Blackboard Collaborate (BbC), face-to-face (F2F) sessions and Student Q & A forums. ● Classes: These are face-to-face (F2F) sessions where a facilitator will take you through module activities and assist you with collaborative group work. ● Blackboard Collaborate (BbC): This is an online platform, or virtual classroom, where your Course Facilitators will explore course content material with you. You can also use the Student Meeting Room to work collaboratively with your group or classmates when you can't find time to meet face to face. ● myPortfolio: This is an online platform that you will be using to share and store your activities and learning throughout the course. ● Google documents (Gdocs): These are online documents where you and your group can work collaboratively to discovery the content of the course, develop your understanding around the topics and engage with your own learning. Learning resources required: E-Resources: Moodle Learning resources recommended: Shaw, S., White, L. & Deed B. (Eds.) (2012). Health, Wellbeing & Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Orange, C. (2011). Treaty of Waitangi. New Zealand; Bridget Williams Books (any edition) Readings or hyperlinks to readings appropriate to each topic within the course Library resources (relevant books, e-books, online databases, including a wide range of journals with online access) COURSE COORDINATOR Courtney Rowe Email: COURSE OVERVIEW The goal of this course is to help you gain a deeper understanding of social issues that intrigue you by considering what is really going on in individuals' lives from varying points of view. This ability is important for you as a citizen, because it will help you to make up your own mind on controversial issues if you can try out different ways of thinking about them. It will also help you to work with other students during your studies and in the workplace when you are in a problem-solving team that is made up of diverse people from different professions. This course is designed for a blended delivery meaning that you will be required to engage with both online and face-to-face learning experiences. All the learning material for the course has been created and developed into ebooks in Moodle which can be accessed through the three module buttons on the home page. Modules: HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand is divided into three modules: ● Module 1 “Being bicultural” focuses on culture, bi-cultralism, multi-culturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi. ● Module 2 “Being Social” focuses on discussing and analysing links between the social environment, well being, and on the socio-political socio-cultural contexts of Aotearoa New Zealand. ● Module 3 “Living spaces” explores the connectedness between people in contemporary Aotearoa, and the environment they live in and impact on. Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand SEMESTER 2 2016 SCHEDULE   Assignment name: Individual brochure linked to practice. Task: Create an individual brochure which demonstrates and explains the value of culturally responsive practices in terms of well-being. Weighting: 30% Relevant Learning Outcomes: ● Identify and discuss specific links between individual and community wellbeing and the environment. ● Analyse cultural, social and political issues within the socio-political and cultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand. Submission: Due Wednesday 31 August 2016 - No later than 5pm Procedure: This assignment requires you to apply learning and understandings you have gained from participation in both Module 1 and myPortfolio activities attached to module 1 to write an ‘easy to understand’ information brochure. You need to answer the below questions: ● Why are professionals in the health and social sectors required to be familiar with Te Reo Māori me ona Tikanga? ● Why is it important for people wanting to work in the health and social sectors to take into account the culture of the people they work with? ● How can this knowledge assist and enhance culturally responsive practice? Word Limit: 800 words Assignment Checklist What do I need to do? What does this mean? Tick if you have done this Content/Knowledge Evidence of the value of cultural responsiveness (Worth 30%) Explained what Te Reo Maori me ona tikanga is. Explained why we need to implement tikanga under Te Tiriti. Defined what cultural responsivity is. Explained why you need to take into account the culture of people you work with (both clients/patients and colleagues). Application Examples of culturally responsive practices (Worth 30%) Provided at least two examples of tikang. Provided at least two examples of incorporating another culture into your work. Discussed why a culturally responsive practice is important to the work you do with clients. Identified the advantages of a culturally responsive practice. Research Evidence of background reading and investigation (Worth 20%) Have you: Used at least six references? Read from a wide variety of sources? Used at least five journal articles Used at least two text-book? Only used websites that are (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia/YahooAnswers/Blogs/Personal Websites are not included as a reference) Presentation Assignment Structure (Worth 10%) Have you: Used capital letters at the beginning of every sentence? Used full-stops at the end of every sentence? Used paragraphs? Used spell-check? Read your assignment out loud to check it makes sense? Kept personal pronouns/opinions to a minimum? (Note: You are allowed to use sub-headings in this assignment) Academic Integrity APA consistency using APA 6th conventions (Worth 10%) Have you: Cited every statistic you used? Cited every idea from another author you used? Checked your APA is correct on Unitecs guide to APA? Included ALL of your references in the reference list? Placed your reference list in alphabetical order? ASSIGNMENT ONE MARKING RUBRIC Mark Content/ Knowledge Application Research Presentation Academic Integrity Criteria Evidence of the value of cultural responsiveness. Examples of culturally responsive practices Evidence of background reading and investigation Assignment structure APA consistency using APA 6th conventions 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 5 Exemplary knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important Exemplary examples provided of culturally responsive practice & excellent linking this to future profession Use of a wide range of appropriate sources effectively linked to content Assignment structure allows for seamless flow. Excellent editing and presentation. Evidence of clear, consistent use of correct referencing system.) (APA) 4 Accomplished knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important Good examples provided of culturally responsive practice and clear links to future practice Use of a wide range of appropriate sources. ) Assignment is generally well-structured. Expresses/communicates clearly and is well presented Generally well acknowledged and referenced, although with some stylistic issues.(APA) 3 Developing knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important Adequate examples of culturally responsive practice with some links to future practice Use of a range of appropriate sources, but missing some significant items. Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is good, but has some minor failings Information provided is adequately referenced, with minor inconsistencies in the use of correct referencing system) (APA) 2 Beginning knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important Few examples provided of culturally responsive practice with minimal links to future practice Limited use of a restricted range of sources Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is lacking in areas. Insufficient information provided/ incorrect use of correct referencing system)(APA) 1 Minimal knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important Minimal examples provided with little to no discernible links to future practice Sources not used to support substantive assertions or argument Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is significantly poor Little or no information provided to enable reference sources to be acknowledged. (APA) 0 No knowledge of the value of cultural responsiveness and why this is important No examples provided of culturally responsive practice and no links to future practice No sources offered Unacceptable failings in structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow of presentation Plagiarism transgression with no information provided to enable references to be sourced. (APA) ASSIGNMENT TWO Assignment name: Written assignment Task: This assignment requires you to choose an issue of well-being and explain why this is an issue for Aotearoa. Explore this issue from two different sociological perspectives from the list provided. Weighting: 40% Relevant Learning Outcomes: This task relates to Learning outcomes 1 & 2 ● Identify and discuss specific links between individual and community wellbeing and the environment. ● Analyse cultural, social and political issues within the socio-political and cultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand. Submission: Due Wednesday 19 October 2016 - No later than 5pm. Please submit to Turnitin - “assessment two submission”. Grading: Your work will be assessed using the rubric (below). Guidelines for Assessment 2 Step 1: Select and research an issue of community wellbeing that interests you and that relates to the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. Start your assignment by describing this issue with references to literature and current statistics. Step 2: Analyse the selected issue of well-being from TWO DIFFERENT sociological perspectives. Each of the perspectives has 3 or 4 questions to answer. Sociological Perspective 1: Maori Perspective ● What is a Māori worldview on (the issue), and how is that the same or different from your perspective? ● What are the implications of (the issue) for Māori wellbeing? ● How can the crown’s responsibility towards partnership with Māori alter outcomes for Māori? How might that support other groups in society? Sociological Perspective 2: Cultural Perspective ● Which group tends to be affected most by (the issue)? ● How do different cultural groups experience (the issue)? ● Does culture provide an adequate explanation for the inequalities that emerge from (the issue)? why/why not? Sociological Perspective 3: Social Perspective ● How are children and young people affected? The elderly? Disabled? ● What social stratification factors combine to impact on (the issues)? How? ● Why/is (the issue) something that society should be aware of? Sociological Perspective 4: Gender Perspective ● Is (the issue) more likely to be considered a problem for male/female or other gender? populations? Why? ● How might gender influence perspectives on (the issue)? ● Does the issue affect male, females, or transgender populations in different ways in Aotearoa New Zealand? If so, why? ● How is funding and resourcing allocated to (the issue) in relation to gender? Sociological Perspective 5: Political Perspective ● Do you consider that the current political structures are intensifying (the issue)? ● What could be put into place to solve (the issue)? ● Who makes the decisions about how (the issue) is funded? ● What understandings do those who are making decisions have about (the issue)? Step 3: Use suitable academic sources of information to support your analysis and reference sources using APA 6th conventions. Assignment checklist What do I need to do? What does this mean? Tick Content/Knowledge Overview of the issue in Aotearoa (Worth 20%) Have you: Clearly defined what the issue is? Explained why this is an issue in Aotearoa? Used statistics and literature to show how prevalent this issue is? Perspective One Content Knowledge: Sociological Perspective One (Worth 20%) Have you: Researched each question? Answered each question listed in your chosen perspective? Used literature to support your answer? Perspective Two Content Knowledge: Sociological Perspective One (Worth 20%) Have you: Researched each question? Answered each question listed in your chosen perspective? Used literature to support your answer? Research Background reading and investigation (Worth 20%) Have you: Read from a wide variety of sources? Used at least five journal articles? Used at least two text-books? Only used websites that are (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia/YahooAnswers/Blogs/Personal Websites are not included as a reference) Presentation Assessment Structure (Worth 10%) Have you: Used capital letters at the beginning of every sentence? Used full-stops at the end of every sentence? Used paragraphs? Used spell-check? Read your assignment out loud to check it makes sense? Kept personal pronouns/opinions to a minimum? (Note: You are allowed to use sub-headings in this assignment; e.g. Gender lens - then write your answers to the questions) Academic Integrity APA consistency using APA 6th conventions (Worth 10%) Have you: Cited every statistic you used? Cited every idea from another author you used? Checked your APA is correct on Unitecs guide to APA? Included ALL of your references in the reference list Placed your reference list in alphabetical order ASSIGNMENT TWO MARKING RUBRIC Mark Content/Knowledge Perspective One Perspective Two Research Presentation Academic Integrity Criteria Overview of the issue in Aotearoa Content knowledge (Sociological perspective One) Content knowledge (Sociological perspective Two) Background reading and investigation Assessment structure APA consistency using APA 6th conventions 20 20 20 20 10 10 5 Clear definition of the issue with comprehensive overview and statistics in Aotearoa All questions in assignment instructions answered comprehensively with support through literature All questions in assignment instructions answered comprehensively with support through literature Use of a wide range of appropriate sources effectively linked to content Assessment structure allows for seamless flow. Excellent editing and presentation. Evidence of clear, consistent use of correct referencing system. (APA) 4 Clear definition of the issue with good overview and statistics in Aotearoa All questions in assignment instructions answered well with support through literature All questions in assignment instructions answered well with support through literature Use of a wide range of appropriate sources. Assessment is generally well-structured. Expresses/communicates clearly and is well presented Generally well acknowledged and referenced, although with some stylistic issues. (APA) 3 Satisfactory Definition of the issue with satisfactory overview and statistics in Aotearoa Most questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily with support through literature Most questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily with support through literature Use of a range of appropriate sources, but missing some significant items. Assessment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is good, but has some minor failings Information provided is adequately referenced, with minor inconsistencies in the use of correct referencing system. (APA) 2 Attempted definition of the issue with some overview and statistics in Aotearoa Not all assignment questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily with limited support through literature Not all assignment questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily with limited support through literature Limited use of a restricted range of sources. Assessment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is lacking in areas the ability to communicate Insufficient information provided/ incorrect use of correct referencing system. (APA) 1 Little to no definition of the issue with limited overview and statistics in Aotearoa Most questions in assignment instructions not answered satisfactorily , limited support through literature Most questions in assignment instructions not answered satisfactorily , limited support through literature Sources not used to support substantive assertions or argument Assessment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is significantly poor Little or no information provided to enable reference sources to be acknowledged. (APA) 0 No definition of the issue with no overview and statistics in Aotearoa No questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily , no support through literature No questions in assignment instructions answered satisfactorily , no support through literature No sources offered Unacceptable failings in structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow of presentation Plagiarism transgression with no information provided to enable references to be sourced. (APA) ASSIGNMENT THREE Assignment name: Group Poster and Presentation Task: As a group choose and define an issue of well-being relevant to Aotearoa and analyse from 1) an environmental context and 2) social, political and cultural context. Deliver a group presentation of your findings and analysis supported with a poster or any other visual aid of your choice. Weighting: 30% Relevant Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify and discuss specific links between individual and community wellbeing and environment. 2. Analyse cultural, social and political issues within the socio-political and cultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand. 3. Engage in collaborative examination of contemporary issues from a range of perspectives. Submission: Monday 14th November. Procedure: This assignment requires you to work in groups. You will be required to complete a ten minute verbal presentation on your topic. Each person must verbally present. 1) As a group select and research an issue of well-being relevant to Aotearoa. 2) Define your issue of well-being and why this is an issue in Aotearoa. 3) Analyse how the built and/or natural environment links to this issue. 4) Analyse how the cultural, social and political factors impact on this issue. 5) Bring a printed version (A2 or A3) to your presentation day. This what what your lecturers will mark from. 6) Submit a 500 word written response of your collaborative experience to moodle/turnitin answering the below questions. 1. Identify your strengths in working on this collaborative exercise (poster). (Consult with others in your team if you wish) 2. Identify areas you could work on to improve your collaborative ability 3. What did you learn about a) the task and b) your ability to work collaboratively when you undertook this exercise 4. What would you do differently next time? 5. How does this exercise link to your future practitioner based work? Assignment checklist What do I need to do? What does this mean? Tick Definition/Overview Definition of issue and relevance to Aotearoa (20%) Have you: Clearly defined what the issue is and identified how prevalent it is in Aotearoa? Used current statistics and literature to support your findings? Environmental Application As a group examine links between the issue and natural and/or built environment (25%) Have you: Clearly linked how the issue relates to the natural and/or built environment? Provided an explanation as to how the issue and the environment impact on each other? Supported your thinking with references to literature? Social, Political, Cultural Application As a group analyse the cultural, social and political factors that impact on the issue (25%) Have you: Analysed the cultural impacts on the issue and why certain cultures are affected more by this issue. Analysed how current political policy impacts on your chosen issue. Is policy supporting positive change? Making the issue worse or a mixture of both? Analysed how social stratification within Aotearoa influences how different socioeconomic groups experience the issue? Visual/Poster Presentation Present your poster in an in-class session designed to teach others (10%) Have you: Printed off your poster to present in class? Prepared a ten minute speech (all group members need to talk/present) to teach the class about your issue and present your findings? Verbal Presentation (Individual Mark) Use appropriate communication skills to individually present your contribution and learning of the issue and visual aid (20%) Have you: Uploaded to turnitin/moodle a 500 word written response to the below questions? 1. Identify your strengths in working on this collaborative exercise? (poster or visual aid). (Consult with others in your team if you wish) 2. Identify areas you could work on to improve your collaborative ability? 3. What did you learn about a) the task and b) your ability to work collaboratively when you undertook this exercise? 4. What would you do differently next time? 5. How does this exercise link to your future practice? Research/Academic Integrity As a group accurately portray information using APA 6th conventions. (10%) Have you: Cited every statistic you used? Cited every idea from another author you used? Checked your APA is correct on Unitec’s guide to APA? Included ALL of your references in the reference list? (at least 8 references) Placed your reference list in alphabetical order? ASSIGNMENT THREE MARKING RUBRIC Definition/Overview (group mark) Environmental Application (group mark) Social, Political, Cultural Application (group mark) Visual/Poster Presentation, This is presented in class Collaborative response (Individual mark) Research and Academic Integrity Definition of issue and relevance to Aotearoa As a group, examine links between the issue and natural and/or built environment As a group, analyse the cultural, social and political factors that impact on the issue of well-being. Present your poster in an in-class session designed to teach others A written response to the collaborative experience is provided As a group accurately portray information using APA 6th. Weighting 10% 25% 25% 10% 20% 10% 5 Comprehensive definition of issue and supporting evidence of the relevance to Aotearoa Comprehensive examination linking your chosen issue to the built and/or natural environment, with support through literature. Comprehensive analysis of cultural, social and political factors, with support through literature Key learning is clearly identified visually and verbally for a selected audience A high level of reflection is provided with key learning identified for future practice Evidence of clear, consistent use of correct referencing system (APA) using at least eight sources 4 Clear definition of issue and supporting evidence of the relevance to Aotearoa Well thought out analysis linking your chosen issue to the built and/or built environment, with support through literature Well thought analysis of cultural, social and political factors, with support through literature Some ideas are well defined and presented visually and verbally. A well thought out reflection is provided with key learning identified for future practice Generally consistent use of correct referencing system (APA )using at least seven sources 3 Satisfactory definition of issue and some supporting evidence of the relevance to Aotearoa Satisfactory analysis linking your chosen issue to the built and/or natural environment, with some support through literature Satisfactory analysis of cultural, social and political factors, with some support through literature Some ideas are well defined and presented visually and verbally. A Satisfactory reflection is provided with some key learnings identified for future practice. Sources acknowledged. Information adequately referenced (APA), minor inconsistencies. At least six sources 2 Limited definition of issue and minimal supporting evidence of the relevance to Aotearoa Limited analysis linking your chosen issue to the built and/or natural environment, with limited support through literature Limited analysis of cultural, social and political factors, with limited support through literature Visual aids created to support the presentation are satisfactory. A Limited reflection is provided with minimal key learnings identified for future practice. Insufficient information provided/ incorrect use of (APA) using at least five sources 代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand

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