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EDUC10048 Creativity, Play and the Arts代写

 EDUC10048 Creativity, Play and the Arts代写
Assessment Task 2
* What characterises engaging practice for children and young people?
* In what ways can artful, creative and playful experiences promote engagement?
Weighting: 40% - 1600 words (per group member)
Building on the knowledge and skills gained throughout this subject this task requires you to; describe and interpret an existing program in relation to child engagement, and analyse with reference to readings, the conditions that support and restrict engagement, taking into account the opportunities afforded for artful, creative and playful experience. For this task you must seek out, observe and document a short program (approx. 1 hour) offered to children/young people in a real-life setting (e.g. library, museum, park, out-of-school arts programs). Students are not recommended to undertake observations in schools or early learning centres unless). To assist you with your interpretation and analysis you will be provided with an Engagement Observation Checklist and an Engaging PracticeChecklist. If possible, you are also encouraged to undertake short informal interviews with participants.
You are recommended to undertake this task in pairs. Consult with the lecturer if you want to work with the lecturer or work in a group comprising three members. You should work with students in your tutorial group. Students working in groups will be given a group mark (all members will get the same mark) and the word count will be calculated based on the number of student group members (i.e. A submission for a group of two students will be 3200wds).
Written Structure
You have license as to how you write this task, taking into account the assessment criteria.  Students must use the APA referencing system unless negotiated otherwise with a lecturer. The following is a general guide for your writing.
Profile the organisation, participants (age, demographic), presenter(s), venue/environment, and program characteristics (time/schedule). Importantly, also comment on the goals of the organisation and the practitioners leading the program considered. This information can include web-based information.
Give a detailed description of the specific program observed presented in the form of a narrative. Comment on participant engagement observed with reference to the Engagement Observation Checklist.
Critically interpret what practices/conditions supported or restricted participant engagement in the program observed. Reference this discussion to the Engaging Practice Checklist and to wider readings centred on effective/quality practice. Consider interactions, time, resources and environment. Comment on, if and how the program could be enhanced through more opportunities for artful, creative and playful experiences. This writing should include critical discussion that highlights the issues/tensions/challenges faced by organisations/program leaders wanting to engage children.  Use readings to support your interpretations and claims.
Give a concise summary comment that responds to the question - What characterises engaging practice for children and young people? In what ways can artful, creative and playful experiences promote engagement?
Task 2 Assessment Criteria 
Engaging Practice Student Conference
Students must give a 5-8 minute oral presentation as part of the Engaging Practice Student Conference. This is a hurdle requirement. The purpose of this task is to informally share your program profile, observation, and interpretations with lecturers and other students, and in doing so gain valuable feedback that will directly inform Task 2.
The oral presentation may incorporate PowerPoint, video or other artefacts and some interactive elements. Aim to engage your audience. Your presentation should generate a conference with others that will seek clarification and provide feedback to your analysis. You must be prepared to participate as an audience for other student presentations.
All presentations will occur during the last week of classes (Wednesday, 18th October) scheduled in the visual arts and music studios. Ensure you arrive 10 mins before the scheduled workshop time so as to allow time to upload your presentations via USB sticks onto the studio computers.
The following points should be considered in your Conference presentations –
  1. Provide background on the organisation and existing program profiled including information on participants, presenter(s), environment, space and program characteristics. Importantly comment on the goals of the organisation and program considered.
  2. Give a description of the specific program observed (this could be presented in the form of a short narrative). Comment on participant engagement observed (with reference to the Engagement Observation Checklist).
  3. Provide a formative analysis of the program with reference to the Engaging Practice checklist. Link this analysis to some wider readings centred on effective/quality practice.
  4. Seek feedback from the audience regarding your design.
 EDUC10048 Creativity, Play and the Arts代写

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