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代写Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment

代写Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment
Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment
Research and present an innovative sustainability concept and discuss its current use, or its capacity to be adopted for use, in the hospitality industry.
With the current concerns regarding man-made climate change and global warming, a significant number of travellers are concerned about the ecological cost of their trips. This has led to an increased demand for eco-conscious hospitality operations. Many hoteliers and restaurateurs have reacted to this growing concern by performing an environmental audit on their operation and investigating methods to reduce their eco footprint.
·         This assignment will require you to work in groups.  Groups of 4-5 students will be selected at random.
·         Initial concept must be approved by your instructor before writing your proposal.
·         Some class time will be given for you to work on this assignment but the majority of this assignment is to be completed outside of our regular class schedule.
·         Rather than the conventional written report, each group will present their findings to the class in the form of an oral and visual presentation. Complete speaker notes and the sources used must be included in the Presentation (Powerpoint or Prezi) and submitted as one document to your instructor on the date indicated in the class schedule.  
·         Your group presentation should not exceed 15 minutes in length. An additional 5 minutes will be scheduled for questions from the audience.
Possible Topic Areas:
·         Waste management
·         Water conservation
·         Energy conservation
Sustainability Proposal:
The selection of your sustainability concept must be approved by your instructor prior to writing your proposal. Rationale for topic selection will take the form of a maximum one page “rational for selection” submitted to your instructor by the date discussed. Prior to submitting your written rationale, you must have your base ‘concept’ approved by your instructor.  The rational is a written justification of why your group is choosing this technology. Provide details concerning expected learning experience, originality/uniqueness, impact on target market, appropriateness to venue and environmental impact. (16 points)
 Oral Presentation (refer to evaluation for details)
      In-class oral presentation will be in the form of a Powerpoint  or Prezi presentation which includes all project information in the ‘notes’ section of each slide. The presentation will include an introduction which is attention-getting, lays out the problem thoroughly, and establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation.  The target market being served as part of this project is clearly defined and benefits for the target market are identified.  How does this concept improve environmental impact for our industry?  What impact does the implementation of this concept have on operational costs and ROI?  How will use of your concept impact operations, more or less work for employees/managers?  Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate for the target audience.
·         Proposal (16 points)
·         Organization of oral presentation (12 points)
·         Content of presentation (36 points)
·         Presentation (24 points)
·         Total = 88 points
       A bibliography/works cited for all work completed must be included in APA format as part of your presentation for this assignment.  Any omissions/errors may be subject to further review with the program Academic Chair for plagiarism.  Refer to the course modules in COMM 240 and COMM 290 for accomplishing proper APA style referencing. 

Rubric Guide:
Each area is broken down into several components. Your group will be provided a rating from “1” to “4” indicating the quality of the work for each component of the assignment. Groups that demonstrate high levels of development for each component will receive a higher score (“4”). The following represents the scoring guidelines:
“4” – The work presented successfully demonstrates all key components for each area and does so with a very high level of proficiency and professionalism.
“3” – The work presented successfully demonstrates competence in each of the specified areas.  There are only minor deficiencies noticed in the key components and this does not negatively influence the effectiveness of the work presented.
 “2” – The work presented successfully demonstrates some aspects of the specified components in each area, but does not do so with proficiency and competence.
 “1” – The work presented fails to demonstrate the majority of the key components in the majority of the assignment.

Assignment Areas





Sustainability Proposal (16 pts)

·         Rational for selection is fully justified        
·         How will it be utilized in the hospitality setting        
·         Impact on the target market sought        
·         Original/Unique        

Organization of Oral Presentation (12 pts)

·         The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and audience        
·         Information is presented in a logical sequence        
·         Presentation cites references in APA format        
Content of Presentation (36 pts)        
·         Introduction is properly structured        
·         Target market for concept is fully explained        
·         Technical terms are well-defined        
·         Environmental impact of concept is fully explored and explained in detail        
·         ROI, cost savings or increases are discussed at a high level. How does this improve profitability? (give examples)        
·         Potential operational impacts are detailed        
·         Material included is relevant to the message or purpose        
·         Excellent research is evident.        
·         There is a conclusion that effectively summarizes the presentation        
Continued on next page.        
Presentation (24)        
·         Speakers maintain good eye contact with the audience and are appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, movement, etc.)        
·         Speakers use clear, audible voice        
·         Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth        
·         Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits        
·         Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting        
·         All group members demonstrate full knowledge of concept by answering questions in detail.        
Total points                  /88        
 代写Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment

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