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Globalization involves increasing flows of trade finance and implies attenuation of the border countries and concept of the global village. With the existence of globalisation, a country highly depends on the rest of the world and the linkage between countries, especially developing countries which are much stronger in the recent decades (Baddeley, 2006:391). According to UNCTAD (2004), about 61,000 organisations are involved in many commodity activities in the foreigner countries and have affiliations with appropriate 900,000 multinational companies. This essay will contribute to a broader and deeper understanding of the advantages of globalization to the developing countries, such as ecological development and improving work condition. The obvious risks that globalization brings, such us inequalities and causing harm to workers are also discussed in the essay. Finally, the conclusion drawn from the essay will provide some suggestions for improvements.


First and foremost, globalization helps many developing countries to achieve huge economic development. Globalisation encourages competition between countries, and gives countries the chance to exploit economies of scale, promote infrastructure development and reduce international poverty (Bhagwati 2004). In one of Tanzi’s researches (2004:525), he has mentioned a comparison including eight countries divided into four sets which are North Korea and South Korea, Myanmar and Thailand, Cuba and Puerto Rico, Madagascar and Mauritius. These countries had similar incomes and conditions forty years ago. Those four countries listed at front kept relatively conservative while the others chose to reform and open themselves to the outside world. Years later, it turns out that the latter countries have more than ten times per capita incomes than the former group. We can draw from this example  that it’s hard to achieve economic development while keeping isolated from the outside world and only through being connected with the outer world, a country can make great achievements Economic development is particularly associated with two main aspects. Firstly, globalization helps to widen the playing field and expands the scale of the market for the developing countries, offering them a much wider field  where they can begin their commodity businesses and benefit a lot from it. It offers those countries the opportunities to change their original material to finished products  and to gain a better price (Leeand, 2010). It will be much easier for developing countries to buy raw materials, capital goods and all kinds of commodities with the most competitive price and quality. All of these will make it possible for these countries to increase their productivity, and it’s the main source and reason for these countries’ economic growth and the improvement of their people’s living standards. Furthermore, globalization will enable the developing countries to get the advanced technologies and large scale industrial projects (Das, 2005). Globalisation can also get the developing counties much more financial supports and investment. Being placed in a globalized environment, the local companies and producer will be more productive and competitive (Bhagwati 2004).


On the other hand, several negative impacts have inevitably come along with the development of economy. Firstly, according to Vito (2004:525), globalisation has indeed greatly promoted domestic inequality in developing countries. The advantages brought by globalisation have been occupied by specific groups of people. These people are equipped with political power, personal ability and excellent educational background. All these help them be more convenient to get access to financial support from international organizations. They usually are the minority who have already been in the upper classes of their society, and their rapid improvements in economic situation and social status are at the expense of exacerbation to the people who are less skilled or in a stage of poverty. Take Pakistan as an example, during the progress of globalization there, those who belong to ethnic minorities have lost control of their economic status (Niazi, 2008). The situations are the same in Chile and Mexico according to the past studies. The situation abovementioned is the source of turmoil and conflicts between the rich and the poor because of widening gaps in terms of their income.


The other advantageous aspect of  globalization is  its beneficial impact upon working conditions of  those who work not only for the foreign multinational companies, but also the local companies (Tomohara et al, 2011:511). Foreign companies usually pay more on wage, which is about 3-5% increase (Flanagan, 2006), than the local companies. It also affects the levels of wages paid by the local companies because of the spill-over effect occurred in both the multinational companies and the local companies. This is because after the employees in the local companies notice the great differences and unfair treatment between their wages and the wages paid by multinational companies, they know that they are underpaid and may ask for a rise in their wages. In this way, foreign multinational companies play an indirect role in improving the wages of those who work in local companies, so is the globalization.


Nonetheless, what the globalisation brings to the workers in developing countries is not merely beneficial impact. A much deeper view should be taken. Increasing evidences show that multinational corporations have brought various detrimental technologies, especially in the manufacturing industry to developing countries and they have posed dangers to the workers’ health and safety (Tomohara et al, 2011:511).  Some developing countries, especially those with a high unemployment rate, are eager to attract investment from multinational companies, ignoring that they have not got enough concern on related technologies, regulations and public attention to help its people get rid of the harmfulness that these technological activities bring to them. (Baram, 2009:756). Apart from the injurious accidents, many researchers have found out other kinds of hazards caused by dangerous working conditions in the developing countries, especially known as the industrial disease. They points out that prolonged exposure of workers to hazardous substances and too much stressful physical work can even lead to disabilities (Hasegawa, 2005). For instance, the accident happened in Bhophal of India killed more than 2,000 local residents and a lot more of injuries both

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