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澳洲homework 代写:自我评价和自信


澳洲homework 代写:自我评价和自信

问题一:评价自己在戈尔曼的三个维度的自我意识方面。提供具体的例子来支持你的自我分析。   回答:   据Gleman和他的同事,有自我意识的三个维度:情绪认知、自我评价和自信(奎因,et al,2010)。根据这一理论,对我的评价如下。   从情绪意识的角度来看,我认为我做得很好。我是那种知道我的感受,我为什么这么想,我的行为和我的感情有什么联系的人。例如,我上周和室友吵架了。他非常喜欢摇滚乐,深夜仍在大声地放音乐。我发现很难倒下,所以我试着和他谈这个,但是他觉得他有权做他想做的任何事。我真的很生气,我知道如果我继续和他争论,我的愤怒会失控,我可能会做一些我会后悔的事。因此,我后退了一步,说我需要一些时间。我呆在房间里,直到觉得准备好了平静的谈话。我去告诉他我对他的音乐很不安,如果他能把音乐关小,我会非常感激的。   至于自我评估,我认为我可以做更多的事情来提高我的认识。我认为我乐于听取人们的反馈。然而,我对自己的优势和局限并不那么肯定。我知道我有能力控制自己的情绪,把自己放在别人的鞋子里,我的弱点包括不能偶尔向别人表达我的感受。然而,我还有很多事情要弄清楚。   最后,自信是我认为我一。我总是感到自信,我愿意为我所信任的东西挺身而出。在与室友的斗争中,我的观点总是明确的:人们在娱乐时不应该打扰别人。我不会在那一点上做出任何妥协,不管他有多少反对意见,我都很有信心。       问题二:解释授权给组织、经理和委派任务的员工的好处。如果你决定是否委派一项特定的任务,那么做出这个决定最重要的步骤是什么?   回答:   管理的一个重要部分是授权,这对组织、经理和被委派的员工都是有益的。   对于组织来说,授权是一种有效地利用和分配资源,以更有效和更有效的方式完成工作的好方法。对于管理者来说,代表团可以让他们从大量的工作中解放出来,这样他们就可以做最重要的或不可替代的事情(奎因,等人,2010)。例如,一个审计经理可能同时有5个约定,客户办公室位于5个不同的城市。如果他不委派这项工作,他甚至不能按时完成一半的工作。通过将工作委派给优秀的资深审计员作为团队领导,他可以节省大量时间来处理更重要的工作,如与客户高层经理沟通关键问题。作为员工,被委派的任务是了解工作专业的事情的一个很好的机会,获得更多的工作经验甚至试图超越目前的水平完成具有挑战性的工作(奎因等人,2010)。     管理者可能难以决定是否派代表团。最重要的步骤makingsuch决定明确,员工开会和讨论的任务,给予的权利,控制进度和最后看到成绩。如果我是经理,我会考虑应该做什么,谁能把事情做好。之后,我会见到那个雇员,并解释我期望完成的任务是什么和如何完成的。为了达到这个目标,我会让员工按照他或她喜欢的方式去做,只要事先通知我就行了。在这个过程中,我会检查事情进展情况。最后,我要承认,在任务中他或她的努力和成就(休斯,基耐特&柯菲,2011)。           问题三:“消失的人类时刻”是什么意思?根据课文,这是一个严重的问题吗?为什么或者为什么不呢?   回答:   据Edward Hallowell医生与企业高管,“消失的人时刻”指的是减少人与人相互交流的机会,typicallydue电子媒介的过度使用。这是一个严重的问题,因为现在在工作场所的人时刻消失引起更多的冲突,误解和不愉快的情绪现状工作(Hallowell,1999)。   通过研究,人们需要的不仅仅是身体的存在感到另一个人的舒适的工作,而且情绪和心理的关注和互动(Hallowell,1999)。我对此有很多个人经验。当我们开会时

澳洲homework 代写:自我评价和自信

Evaluate yourself in terms of Goleman’s three dimensions of self-awareness. Provide specific examples to support your self-analysis.    Answer:   According to Gleman and his colleagues, there are three dimensions of self-awareness: emotional awareness, self-assessment and self-confidence (Quinn, et al, 2010).Based on this theory, the evaluation of me is as follow.   From the point of view of emotional awareness, I think I am doing well. I am the kind of people who know how I feel, why I feel so and how my actions connect to my feelings. For example, I had a fight last week with my roommate. He was very much into rock and roll, and kept playing loud music late at night. I found it really hard to fall, so I tried to talk to him about this, but he felt it was his right to do whatever he wanted. I was really furious and I knew that if I kept arguing with him, my anger would grow out of control and I might do something I would regret. Therefore, I stepped back and said I needed some time. I stayed in my room till I felt I was ready for a calm talk. I went to tell him I was really disturbed by his music at night, and I would really appreciate it if he could turn it down.    As for self-assessment, I believe there is something more I can do to improve my awareness. I think I am open to feedbacks from people. However, I am not so sure about all my strengths and limits. I know that I am capable of controlling my emotions and putting myself into others' shoes, and my weaknesses include noting being able to express my feelings to others at times. However, there are still a lot I should figure out about myself.   Finally, self-confidence is something I think I posse. I always feel confident and I am willing to stand up for what I trust. During that fight with my roommate, my standpoint was always clear that people should not disturb others when having fun. I wouldn't make any compromise on that point and I was confident no matter how much he disagreed.       Question Two: Explain the benefits of delegation for the organization, the manager and the employee to whom the task is delegated. If you were deciding whether or not to delegate a particular task, what would be the most important steps in making that decision? 

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