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代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 2 Marketing Audit

代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 2 Marketing Audit  
UnitecSchool of Business
Bachelor of Business, B.Bus
BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing Assignment 2 Marketing Audit
Semester: Semester 1 2016
Date issued: Tuesday, 11 May
Due date and time:  14 June 1026, submitted to turnitin.
Delivery:  Submitted to turnitin, group and individual sections separate.
Total marks: 100 marks
Weighting: 40% of course
Instructions: n  Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment..
n  This is an individual assignment and must be your own work.
n  Collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action
n  We advise that you keep a copy of this assignment.
Students Names:  
Student ID Nos:  
Lecturer:    Alastair Emerson Class time:  Tuesday 1730
Student declaration: I confirm that:
n  This is an original assessment and is entirely our own work.
n  Where we have used ideas, tables, diagrams etc of other writers,
we have acknowledged the source in every case.
n  This assignment has not been, nor will be, submitted as assessed work for any other academic course.
Signature of students  
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•    40% of the final grade.
•    Guidance on size: 15 - 20 pages, 12 pt, 1 ½ line spacing.
Total Marks: 100; Mark Value:  40% of Final Grade.
Due Date: 14th June 2016, submitted to
This course emphasises Strategic Concepts and Models, which a firm may use to remain competitive and yet retain a customer focus.  However, as Kotler states, “Marketing is an area where rapid obsolescence of objectives, policies, strategies and programmes is constantly occurring”.  Therefore, from time to time, a firm needs to undertake a critical review of their overall marketing goals strategies and their effectiveness.  In fact, every firm should periodically reassess its strategic approach to the market place.  A useful tool for such an appraisal is the Marketing Audit.
Your task is to conduct elements of a Marketing Audit for one product line or a product, as per the guidelines/marking criteria below. You should use the firm for which you have already conducted a Marketing Environment Review in Assignment One, and use that Review as a basis for the environmental variables required to be considered in the Audit.
1    Introduction to the firm including a brief background and description of the product, product line, or brand to be audited.     (5 marks)
2    Marketing-Strategy:  marketing organisation, marketing systems and marketing productivity Audit(2 - 3 pages) – Provide evidence   (16 marks)
A.   Business Mission: Is there an apparent business mission able to be discerned from the company’s marketing activities?  Is it consistent and compatible with any corporate mission stated on the company website or Annual Report etc.?  (2 marks)
B.   Marketing Objectives and Goals:  Is there evidence of the company having marketing objectives to provide guidance to marketing planning and performance measurement? (2 marks)     
C.   Marketing Strategy:     Is there evidence of a clear marketing strategy for achieving its marketing objectives?  Does the Strategy seem appropriate to the stage of the product life cycle, competitors’ strategies, and the state of the economy?  Does the company seem to be using the best basis for market segmentation?   Does it appear to have developed accurate profiles of each target segment?  Has the company developed an effective positioning and marketing mix for each target segment?  Are marketing resourcesallocated optimally to the major elements of the marketing mix?  Are the resources sufficient? Is there scope for reallocation of resources? (6 marks)    
D.   Marketing   organisation audit:    Does it appear that a person of sufficient authority lead the marketing function? Are the marketing activities optimally structured? (2 marks)
E.  Marketing systems   audit:  Is there evidence of systems to provide accurate and timely information? How efficient do the planning and control systems appear to be? (2 marks)
F. Marketing Productivity   audit:  What is the apparent profitability of organisation’s products, markets, territories and distribution channels? Is there need for expansion or contraction? How does the profitability compare with those of competitors? Are there areas of marketing that incur unrealistic costs? (2 marks)
4    Marketing-Function Audit (2 - 3 pages) – Provide evidence      (14 marks)
A.   Products:  What are the apparent product, product line or brand objectives?  Are they sound?  Is the current product line meeting the objectives?  Should the product line be stretched or contracted upward, downward, or both ways?  Which products should be phased out?  Which products should be added?  What are the buyers’ knowledge and attitudes toward the company’s and competitors’ product quality, features, styling, brand names and so on?  What areas of product and brand strategy need improvement? (3 marks)
B.   Price:  What are the pricing objectives, policies, strategies and procedures?  To what extent are prices set on cost, demand and competitive criteria?  Do the customers see the company’s prices as being in line with the value of its offer?  What does management know about the price elasticity of demand, experience curve effects, and competitors’ prices and pricing policies?  To what extent are price policies compatible with the needs of distributors and dealers, suppliers and government regulation? Any ethical issues (3 marks)     
C.   Distribution:  What are the distribution objectives and strategies?  Is there adequate market coverage and service?  How effective are distributors, dealers, manufacturers’ representatives, brokers, agents and others?  Should the company consider changing its distribution channels? (3 marks)  
D.  Advertising, Sales Promotion and Publicity.   Are there apparent advertising objectives?  Are they sound?  Is the right amount being spent on advertising?  Are the ad themes and copy effective?  What might customers and the public think about the advertising?  Are the advertising media well chosen?  Are they using social media?   Does the sales promotion budget appear adequate?  Is there effective and sufficient use of sales promotion tools such as samples, coupons, displays and sales contests?  Is the public relations staff competent and creative?   (5 marks)    
5            Information analysis (SWOT, TOWS, EFAS, IFAS & SFAS) – Provide a brief (one page) analysis for each of these, with a one paragraph recommendation based on them.(30 marks)
 代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 2 Marketing Audit
Individual Component         35 marks
Read the Journal Articles posted on Moodle, then do the following:
1 Critique (critically evaluate) the concept of Marketing Auditing - are they practical for smaller firms, and what should firms who do not have the resources to conduct an audit do about this? Justify your answer with evidence and references to Literature.  (20 marks)
2 Write a brief (1 – 2 page) reflection on what use your see marketing auditing being to you in your marketing career. Use evidence and examples to reinforce what you say.  (15 marks)
           TOTAL  MARKS                                    100
Important Note
1    You will need to do research on the company, and a thorough review of New Zealand and other business publications is necessary.  For a publicly listed firm, useful information could be derived from the annual reports. In addition, company websites and advertising materials are a rich source of information.
 代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 2 Marketing Audit

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