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代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 1 Strategic Situation Analysis

代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 1 Strategic Situation Analysis  
Dept of Management & Marketing
Bachelor of Business, B.Bus
BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing
Assignment 1 Strategic Situation Analysis  
Semester: Semester 2, 2016
Date issued: Tuesday 15 March 2016
Due date and time: Friday, 24th April 2016
Delivery:  Submitted to Turnitin.
Total marks: 100 marks
Weighting: 20% of course
Instructions: n  Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment.
n  This is an group/individual assignment and must be your own work.
n  Collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action
n  We advise that you keep a copy of this assignment.
Student Name:  
Student ID No:  
Lecturer: Alastair Emerson Class time: 5:30pmTuesday
Student declaration: I confirm that:
n  This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work, and that of my group members..
n  Where I have used ideas, tables, diagrams etc of other writers,
I have acknowledged the source in every case.
n  This assignment has not been, nor will be, submitted as assessed work for any other academic course.
Signature of student:  
Date of signature:  

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you todevelop a deeper understanding of and practical experience in determining marketing’s contribution to corporate strategy as a result of conducting a Strategic Situation Analysis and determining appropriate outcomes required.
In addition, you will achieve higher marks if you show that you are capable of independent thinking, and can identify where research findings may not necessarily apply to individual cases. t
 代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 1 Strategic Situation Analysis


The paper(approx. 2000words) must be typewritten (one and a half spacing, two centimeter margins). 12pt Arial font
 A minimum of 6 references from academic refereed journals must form part of your literature review.
Correct APA style citation and referencing must be used.


1             In your group, select a New Zealand company with a web site which will enable you to form a picture of its Market Offerings, Potential Customers,  Competition (Direct and Indirect), and any other variables which are or could be strongly significant (e.g. environmental factors, consumer health or danger to health, societal aspects etc.)
2             Brainstorm and complete a list of controllable variables which you consider to be significant in relation to a situation analysis, and group them into categories for investigation, using the PESTLE plus Industry and Competition model we discussed in class. Justify each of your choices and compare what you have done with papers in Journals – what is the same and what is different, and why?
3             Conduct the analysis, making notes of the significance of each element investigated. Make a summary of the top issues in each element. Again compare what you have done with the Literature, noting and commenting on differences.
4             Formulate objectives (outcome statements) to incorporate in the corporate strategy. You should quantify and qualify (set standards and conditions) your outcome statements to act as a guide for a control; system. Justify you choices by reference to the analysis.
5             Suggest a set of controls, highlighting types of measurement and timing of measurement which will ensure that management and staff are constantly aware of where they stand in relation to achieving the objectives, and are able to identify the need for and take corrective action if required.
6             You will be given a final task to be completed individually posted to Moodle on Tuesday 5 April (Easter Tuesday).

1             Selection of Variables and Justification plus references               
                                                           20 marks
2             Conduct of analysis and report on situation plus references        
                                                           30 marks
3             Formulation of Objectives (outcomes) and justification plus references   
                                                           15 marks
4             Description of control system, justification and references
                                                           15 marks
5             Individual component
                                                           20 marks
Individual component for Assignment One Semester One 2016
1 Complete the template appended for a company or organisation of your choice, listing the critical variables to be investigated in each area, and suggesting a procedure to follow to carry out the investigation.                    6 marks
2 Give a brief (one or two paragraph) explanation as to why you consider the chosen variables to be critical in this case.                                 10 marks   
3 Suggest and justify a procedure to follow in conducting the investigation into each area respectively                                                    4 marks
NB, Everything you propose must be in relation to your chosen enterprise!
You should include at least six citations from appropriate Journals to support you work.

Strategic Environmental Scan Template
Area/Topic Critical Variables Possible Procedure to follow
 代写 BSNS 7100 Assignment 1 Strategic Situation Analysis

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