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商业模式是企业在竞争激烈的市场中取得成功的关键。然而,由于创新业务会为企业带来更多的利润,创新业务模式在扩张方面比传统业务模式更有优势。本文以三星为例,分析了三星发展中的创新商业模式。笔者选择galaxy s4系列产品作为研究对象,从产品的尺寸、质量、技术、人性化等方面探讨三星的创新(gaikar,2013)。在第一部分中,给出了一些商业模式的信息,以更好地理解读者的整体报告;第二部分是对三星的介绍,包括产品、服务、策略和比较等。通过对三星和苹果的比较,找出了不同商业模式对公司影响的有用信息。在接下来的部分,介绍了三星的主要市场和主要竞争对手,运用战略创新模式增强市场竞争力。在不同的环境时期,三星采用了不同的商业模式。   三星的多功能打印机多年来在创新和降低成本方面发挥了示范作用。由于其可靠性、多任务处理能力以及生产率和效率的提高,它们一直被评为“性能和创新方面的最佳质量”。bli不断授予三星“年度最佳选择”和“更好的商业购买”编辑奖。


  The business model is the crucial part for company to succeed in the competitive market. However, the innovation business model is more advantageous than the traditional business model in expanding, because the innovation business will incur more profits for corporate. In this report, an example of Samsung is taken to analyze the innovation business model in Samsung’s development. The author chooses the GALAXY S4 series products for the target research products to explore the innovation of Samsung, including the products’ size, quality, technology, humanization, and other aspects (Gaikar, 2013). In the first part, some information about the business modes is given to better understand the whole report for readers; the second part is the introduction about the Samsung including the products, service, strategies, and comparison and so on. A comparison of Samsung and Apple is discussed to find some useful information about the different business models’ effect on company.  In the following part, some information is about the major market and major competitors for Samsung, strategic innovation models are applied to strengthen the competition power in market.  In different period of environment, the Samsung applied different business models.  samsung’s multifunction printers have played an exemplary role in innovation and cost reduction for years. Because of its reliability, multi-tasking capabilities and productivity and efficiency improvements, they are constantly evaluated as “Best Quality in terms of Performance and Innovation”. BLI continuously awarded Samsung “Pick of the Year” and a “Better Buys for Business” Editor’s Choice.

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