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澳洲assignment代写: 官僚结构与矩阵结构组织设计

组织结构是一个组织中的组织结构,也就是说,组织结构是指如何分工、分工、协作以完成工作任务。它是整个管理系统的框架,其本质是实现组织战略目标的协作系统,组织结构是一个在工作范围方面的动态结构体系。责任与权利是随着重大战略的调整而变化的(raymond&charles1978),官僚制结构和矩阵结构是两种常见的组织设计。本文将分别对科层制结构和矩阵结构的优缺点进行研究。   实际上,每个组织结构都不完善。它只是一个组织的框架结构,一种工具或手段。因为不同的组织有不同的要求,所以没有最佳的组织结构。促进组织战略目标和目标实现的组织结构是最有效的组织结构。另外,不同的组织结构只能满足特定时期的组织需求。因此,组织结构必须随着内外部环境的变迁而调整和改革,以获得组织的有效性和效率。

澳洲assignment代写: 官僚结构与矩阵结构

Organizational structure is thestaff structure in an organization, in other word, it is refers to how to divide the labor, the group and how to cooperate towards the work task. It is the frame of the whole management system, of which the essence is a collaboration system to realize the strategic target of an organization.Besides, organizational structure is a dynamic structure system in aspects of job scope, responsibility and right which has to be changed with the adjustment of major strategy(Raymond & Charles1978).Bureaucracy structure and matrix structure are two common organizational designs. This paper will make a research on the advantages and disadvantages of bureaucracy structure and matrix structure respectively. Actually, each organizational structure is not perfect. It is just the frame structure, a kind of tool or means of an organization. There is no best organizational structure because different organizations have different requirements. The organizational structure that can promote the realization of the strategic mission and target of the organization is the most effective one. Besides, different organizational structure can only satisfy the organization’s requirement in specific period. Thus, organizational structure has to be adjusted and reformed with the internal and external environmental transition to gain the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.   

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