I definitely think that the leadership of an organization plays a significant role on a CSR plan and everything that is related to the CSR implementation and development. Chin, Banmbrick and Trevino (2013) found that ideology of CEO greatly affects the CSR which is also amplified by CEO’s power; they also found that politically liberal CEOs emphasize CSR against their personal values even when performance of the company is poor. The role may be positive or negative (denying the implementation of CSR) as Robins (2008) found that cost concerns of CSR is often unrecognized and this draws upper management into such decisions which may lie outside their competence, this may lead to various implications for civil society and the government. Robins (2008) also implied that CSR should be the moral concern of a firm and it should not be imposed. To implement CSR the leader should always act upfront, as the CEO sets the primary goals for the firm; it is always good to consider CSR if the firm is doing fine financially. In a long run implementing CSR is beneficial and CEOs with broad vision always go for this as we are tied by social responsibilities and providing basic need always helps the firm to build loyalty and trust with the human resource. It is a fact now that organizations have identified and implemented CSR in their respective businesses and thus created a business model with CSR being a permanent of it. According to Grow, Hamm and Lee (2005), by implementing CSR the CEOs are doing talent management as to show them socially responsible and hence attracting potential employees. High profile companies like SAP, Home Depot and Delta Air Lines employer millions of employees for community work and it paid them well afterwards as people want to work for companies
feedback is very important to make them understand that these measures are for their own good. One of the most important responsibilities of the followers is to provide feedback and opinion about the CSR plan and the leadership responsibility is to adjust the plan accordingly. The bottom to top plan works where the CSR plan is built and is functional and the main responsibilities are carried out by the followers and the leaders only act/participate when important decisions are to be taken or there exists a risk which is not avoided by the ordinary processes. Bottom to top approach is good for gaining employee loyalty, trust, support and to make sure that they stick with the firm for long duration as the CSR program includes them and they feel attached to the firm and they understand that the organization is using resources for betterment of society.
Overall CSR is a major part of business plan, though it is moral responsibility of an organization but for better performance and long term profit it is good to plan and implement CSR.