Events can be of many types and limitations. They vary from country to country and culture to culture. Every country has its own festivals, reasons to celebrate and ways to have fun. However in every part of the world the significance of events is same. It holds the same position in every part of this universe. They constitute an important part of any country especially in the case of its welfare and prosperity. They have endless benefits including political, economic, social, and environmental and others.
At international level celebrating events has much more crucial reasons. For instance governments in power might intend to organize more events in the country to attract people and hence their votes. Other reasons might be to trigger enthusiasm and nationalism, putting an end to chaos and disappointment in the country. Apart from this, events are often considered to be a tourist attraction. Someone from Asia might be willing to visit United States of America during Halloween to enjoy its activities. Similarly an individual from United Kingdom might look forward to visit India during the colorful festival named Besant (Getz 1998).
Moreover events also have economic significance. Proper planning is an important factor while considering the economic context of a certain event. The organizing committee should carefully manage all the departments especially the financial sector. This is because in case of international events the whole country especially the government gets affected. Furthermore events are also known to have social impacts. For instance, a very important benefit is the development of social ties. Family and relatives, who lose contact, gather and meet with one another during festivals and events. This strengthens the bond between them. In addition the environmental context also carried intense attention and hence cannot be ignored. Climatic change plays an important role when this factor is taken into consideration (Hall 1992).
The aim of this essay is to explore Olympic Event’s potential to generate a wide range of economic, social and environmental impacts by using a wide range of theory and evident.