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一个人的人际交往是依赖人的设施,使他或她的思想,感情,和需要知道别人对这个人的接受别人与他或她分享相似数据的尝试(菲佛,1998)。人际交往能力和人际关系是在市场上生存的必要条件,它有助于形成人与人之间稳固的债券。要更好地理解人际交往是什么,必须打破人际关系和交际两个词的定义。根据韦伯斯特(2013)、人际手段”,关于或涉及人与人之间的关系”,而沟通是传达信息通过思想的交流活动、消息或信息通过语音、信号、视觉、行为或写作。在人际交往中,人际交往是人们相互交流思想、思想和感情的过程(基金会联盟,2004),每个公司的经营目标都是面对激烈的市场竞争,为实现其目标和使命创造利润。因此,需要注意的是,这些劳动力必须与他人合作,人际交往能力是在人的管理必要的人际交往能力重要(维特和卡梅伦,2002)。他们还必须能够满足顾客的需要。根据唐和阿德里安(2004),人际沟通涉及编码的过程(决定什么和沟通的方法)和解码(如何解释信息),同时过滤消息,以理解收到的消息。人际交往可以通过知识、实践、反馈和反思来改进。本文将概述三种不同的人际沟通技巧,帮助员工更有效地工作和思考。三个不同的部分是跨文化、提问和反馈以及团队合作。在讨论的每一个方面,两个真实的人际交往例子,涉及雇主如何利用这些人际关系技巧为企业的整体成功建立牢固而持久的关系。 跨文化交际能力是人际交往最重要的因素之一。如果做的好,跨文化交流是非常有帮助的公司,因为公司通常会处理不同文化背景的客户,并通过这样做,他们可以避免误解和改善与客户的关系。从不同的公司,许多管理者认为,行为和行动不影响来自不同文化的人们为他们完全忘记事实上,他们可能真的得罪他们一种或另一种方式。据格勒(2010)、“沟通总是特别重大影响国际商务交流”。这是因为来自不同文化的人可能无法在一个很好的团队合作,因为文化涉及人们生活和行为将传承到下一代的方式(Limaye和Victor,1991)。影响商业交际的因素很多,如社会习俗、性别和口语交际。当然,还有很多,但这些都是职场中最常见的文化因素。在某一文化中被接受的一些社会习俗可能不被其他人接受,必须谨慎对待,因为不同文化中的一些人可能比其他文化对侵犯行为更敏感或更不宽容。就性别而言,男性在文化中的角色通常是不变的;然而,在某些文化中,妇女在商业活动中只起着很小的作用,而在某些文化中,妇女将在商业活动中发挥重要作用。最后,不同的语言有不同的侧重点,可能被视为不同文化的侮辱。因此,在考虑跨文化交际时,最好雇一个翻译,以确保译员的成功传达出与翻译者不同的意义,而译者只会翻译所说的话。 在Virginia的福尔斯教堂,雇主使用的跨文化交际技巧就是一个例子。公司给穆斯林员工频繁的休息时间,这样他们就可以祈祷休息或休息。(塔布,2012)。另一个例子是日本公司的美国雇员,反之亦然。都有妥协的时候到了它们之间的一种认识(小林定人,Viswat。2011)。了解一种文化可以避免误解,从而在工作场所创造更好的气氛。


A person’s interpersonal life is dependent on that person’s facility for making his or her thoughts, feelings, and needs known to others and on that person’s receptiveness to the attempts of others to share similar data with him or her (Pfeiffer, 1998).Interpersonal skills and interpersonal relationships are necessary conditions for the survival in the marketplace as it helps to form solid bonds between people. To better understand what interpersonal communication is, one must break down the definition of both words which are interpersonal and communication. According to Merriam-Webster (2013), interpersonal means “being, relating to or involving relations between persons” while communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, messages or information by means of speech, signals, visuals, behaviour or writing. When put together, interpersonal communication is the process that is used by people to communication ideas, thoughts and feelings from one to another (Foundation Coalition, 2004).Every company’s aim in business is to confront the intense market competition & make profit in order for them to achieve their goals and missions. Thus, it is important to note that these labour forces must have interpersonal skills to work with others as interpersonal skills are essential in managing people (Whetten& Cameron, 2002). They would also have to be able to satisfy their customers’ needs. According to Downs and Adrian (2004), interpersonal communication involves the process of encoding (deciding on what and the method of communication) and decoding (how to interpret the message) while filtering messages that result in the understanding of messages received. Interpersonal communication can be improved by knowledge, practice, feedback and reflection. This essay will outline three different interpersonal communication skills that will help employees to work and think more efficiently. The three different parts are intercultural, questioning and feedback as well as working in teams. In each aspects that are discussed, two real world examples of interpersonal communication that involves how employers use those interpersonal skills to build strong and lasting relationships for the overall success of their business ventures.  Intercultural communication skills are one of the most important factors for interpersonal communication. If done properly, intercultural communication can be very helpful in the company because companies would usually deal with customers of various cultures, and by doing so, they can avoid misunderstandings and improve relationships with their customers.Many managers from various companies believe that the behaviours and actions do not affect people from different cultures as they are quite oblivious to the fact that they might be actually offending them one way or another. According to Mergler (2010), “Communication has and always will be a major impact especially on international business interactions”. This is because people from different cultures might not be able to cooperate in a good team because culture relates to the way people live and the behaviours will be passed down from one generation to the next (Limaye and Victor, 1991). There are many factors that can impact intercultural communication in business such as social customs, gender, and oral communication. Of course, there are many more but these are some of the most common cultural factors that exist in the workplace. Some social customs that are accepted in one culture may not be accepted by others and must be treated with caution as some people in different cultures might be more sensitive or less forgiving about violations than other cultures. As for the gender, the roles of men are usually constant in cultures; however, women play only a small role in business activities in some cultures while in some cultures, women would play a large role in business activities. Finally, different languages have different emphasis on their words and may be taken as an insult by different cultures. As such, when considering intercultural communication, it is advisable to hire an interpreter to ensure success as an interpreter conveys meaning unlike a translator, which only translates the words that are said. An example of intercultural communication skills that is used in business by employers is in Falls Church, Virginia. Where companies give Muslim employees frequent break times so that they can pray to break their fast or to rest. (Taboh, 2012). Another example would be in American employees in Japanese companies or vice versa.  Both have to compromise when it is time to come to an understanding between them (Kobayashi, Viswat. 2011). Understanding of a culture can avoid misunderstandings and thus, create a better atmosphere in the workplace.  

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