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  分配 问题一: 这种情况下的暴风雨是自然灾害。受暴风雪影响的地区将减少咖啡供应量,这意味着在供应下降并不是由价格因素造成的情况下,供应曲线将转向向左和向上。下面的图表可以生动地说明风暴对市场均衡价格的影响。 从图中可以看出,平衡点是E,由于风暴,它在不改变价格的情况下向左和向上移动。然后有一个新的市场均衡得到,在图中提到E。与以前的均衡相比,新的均衡价格确实有所上升,需求也在下降。   图一 来源:Mankiw,N. G.(2011)。经济学原理(Mankiw)。圣智学习。   (b)市场的短缺将通过获得新的平衡而消除。换句话说,供应的短缺将随着价格的上涨而恢复。由于价格的上涨,产品的人越来越少了。在这次谈话中,需求的短缺将通过市场力量来弥补供给的不足,史米斯认为市场有一只看不见的手来统治。由于少人去喝咖啡,价格在上涨一段时间后会进一步下降,最终会达到新的平衡。上面的图表也充分说明了这个过程。   (c)与A问题类似,本案所激发的因素并不是价格波动。这是关于政府的政策。政府的干预将鼓励更多的公司和企业生产面包,从而提高市场上面包的总量。再次,由于没有证据显示价格的波动,均衡不会沿着曲线移动。因此,供给曲线将向上和向下移动,可以在下面的图表中生动地显示出来。 从图中可以看出,均衡是E,由于政府制定的政策,在不改变价格的条件下,向上下移动。然后市场中出现了一个新的市场均衡,在图表中提到了E。与以前的均衡相比,新的均衡已经降低了价格,增加了需求。   图2 来源:Mankiw,N. G.(2011)。经济学原理(Mankiw)。圣智学习。   问题二 进入壁垒使企业摆脱市场供求关系,获得超额利润。它不受市场力量给予的价格策略的限制。反过来,也会影响供求关系。根据市场上的企业总数,可以分为三种类型:竞争、垄断和寡头垄断。供求关系只对第一个影响,卖方是价格接受者。由于垄断市场中很少有厂商存在,甚至寡头垄断企业中,卖方就是价格制定者。具体而言,垄断企业所面临的需求曲线是一个正确的向下曲线,而收入曲线包括平均和边际曲线。需求曲线为p=P(q)=A - B。总收入为PQ。平均收益(AR)= PQ / Q = A B Q和边际收入MR = D(TR)/ D(Q)=一个2bq。它可以在下面的图表中显示。当公司破产时,公司获得超额利润。     图三 来源:Mankiw,N. G.(2011)。经济学原理(Mankiw)。圣智学习。

Foundation Economics Assignment Question One: a) The heavy storm in this case is a natural disaster. The areas stricken by the heavy storm will decrease the supply of coffee, which means the supply curve will shift to left and up under the condition where the decrease of the supply is not resulted by the factor of price. The following diagram can illustrated the impact brought by the storm on the market equilibrium prices vividly.  It can be seen that the equilibrium is E in the diagram, and because of the storm, it shifts to left and up while the prices are not changed. Then there is a new market equilibrium gained, referred to E’ in the diagram. Compared to the former equilibrium, the new one has increased in prices and decrease in demand certainly. 
Question Two The barriers to entry allow the firm to earn excess profits in the long run by getting rid of the supply-demand relation in the market. It is not restricted to the prices strategies given by the market force. Reversely, it will affect the supply-demand relation. According to the total number of firms in the market, there are three types, competition, monopoly and oligopoly. The supply-demand relation only has exerted the influences on the first one, in which the seller is the price-taker. Due to few firms existing in the market of monopoly, and even one in the oligopoly, the seller is the price-maker. In detail, the demand curve confronted by monopoly firms is a rightly downward curve while the revenue curve includes both average and marginal ones. The demand curve is P = P (Q) = a – b Q. The total revenue is PQ. The average revenue (AR) = PQ/Q = a - b Q and marginal revenue is MR = d (TR) /d (Q) = a - 2bQ. It can be shown in the following diagram. When AR>SAC, the firm gains excess profits. 

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