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  一个商人最近参与一个商务会议,变坏了,威胁要破坏一个很好的协议。发生的事是,接收美国买家的中国党在抵达他的酒店时迟到了。美国人很生气,因为行程很紧,他们迟到了,威胁要把他买下来。 中国党迟到了,因为他们给了一个湖边旅馆的模糊地址。人们可以断定发生的事是美国人把他的旅馆当成湖滨酒店了。不幸的是,湖边有许多旅馆,但中国人太害羞,不敢提前询问湖滨酒店,因为他们担心美国人给了一个模糊的地址会“丢面子”。相反,他们花了一上午的时间从一家湖滨酒店跳槽到另一家,寻找这位美国绅士。 在许多商业场合,中国人也太闪耀了,原因是中国人更加注重面子。他们怕问别人,说明他们缺乏能力。澳大利亚的方式沟通是即将到来的和直接的,甚至有点唐突相比他们的南亚邻国。不要把这种方法粗鲁,澳大利亚人是著名的直健谈,但轻松和非正式的它。他们一般不参与闲聊,特别是在商务交往中,通常是在他们所说的没有双或隐藏的意义,信任被认为是一种美德。   这种状态可以被描述为新来者和适应个体之间的中介状态。一开始,人们不知道归属于文化意味着什么。与此相反,被改编者在理解文化方面没有问题(没有关于他在日常挑战中做出的选择的问题——例如对文化的赞成、反对或中立)。在这两个状态——新的或适应的状态中,你会经历一种精神上的,有时是身体上的疼痛,试图去理解并控制一定程度上发生的事情。这种状态的结束是在人们对周围的人和事给予了极大的关注之后,逐渐地认识到了价值的等级和实现目标的方式。 文化之间的差异会使适应新环境非常困难。你可能会遇到不熟悉的衣服、天气、食物以及不同的人、学校和价值观。你可能会发现自己在新的环境中挣扎着去做那些容易回到家里的事情。处理这些差异会让人很不安,这些感觉是适应新文化的一部分。


A businessman was recently involved in a business meeting that went sour and threatened to scuttle a good deal. What happened was that the Chinese party receiving the American purchaser was late in reaching his hotel. The American was furious as he had a tight schedule and that they were late and threatened to quite his purchase.  The Chinese party was late because they were given a vague address of a lake-side hotel. People can judge that what happened was that the American gave his hotel as Lakeside hotel. Unfortunately, there were numerous hotels along the lake but the Chinese were too shy to enquire which lakeside hotel earlier because they were afraid the American would 'lose face' for having given a vague address. Instead, they spent the morning hopping from one lakeside hotel to another looking for this American gentleman."  In many business occasion, Chinese people are too shine too ask .The reasons which account for this is that Chinese people pay more attention to face value. They are afraid of asking people means they are lack of ability. The Australian way communicating is quite forth coming and direct, and perhaps even a little brusque in contrast to their South Asian neighbors. Don’t ever mistake this sort of approach for rudeness, as Australians are renowned straight talkers, yet relaxed and informal with it. They don’t generally partake in idle chitchat, especially in business dealings, and usually there is no double or hidden meaning in what they say, as trust is considered a virtue.     This state could be described as an intermediary state between a new comer and an adapted individual. In the beginning, one doesn't know what it means to belong to the culture. At the opposite, the adapted have no problems understanding the culture (no questions about the choices he makes in regards to everyday challenges - e.g. pro, contra or neutral to the culture). In between these two states - new or adapted, one goes through a mental and sometimes physical pain trying to understand and control to a certain level what is going around. The end of this state is reached gradually, after one paid a lot of attention to the people and things around, and eventually understood the ranking of values and the ways one can achieve them.  The differences between cultures can make it very difficult to adjust to the new surroundings. You may encounter unfamiliar clothes, weather, and food as well as different people, schools, and values. You may find yourself struggling to do things in your new surroundings that were easy back home. Dealing with the differences can be very unsettling; those feelings are part adjusting to a new culture.  

上一篇:澳洲护理assignment代写:医疗器械以及医疗诊断 下一篇:澳洲金融assignment代写:小公司效应视角下的异象