The contemporary medical treatment consists of three key elements prevention, diagnostics and therapy. The development of computer science brings about new renovations in medical device as well as medical diagnosis and medical treatment. Computed Tomography(CT), magnetic resonance(MR), ultrasound and radiation therapy all stem from the range of this technology. CT is a scanning technique which is useful in imaging organ systems in the body. When combined with X-rays and computer engineering, the diagnosis and treatment can be greatly promoted. Currently, it has become a routine that doctors informs the patients of their condition and put forward the treatment suggestions, meanwhile manage the cure procedure and side effects(Zonderland 1999).
As to the application of imaging techniques in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the most common methods in clinical examination are mammographic X-ray, ultrasound, MRI and nuclear medicine examinations. Among all these examination methods, mammographic X-ray has the largest advantage and becomes the first choice for breast cancer imaging, which nowadays is combined with ultrasound. MRI and PET-CT examination are effective in categorizing the clinical stages of breast cancer and are especially used in high-risk patients with lesion detection(Inoue M 2003).
Common breast imaging methods include breast X-ray mammography, breast ultrasound, CT and MRI and so on. Among the radiation imaging methods, this passage analyzes how to correctly choose their own imaging. Breast X-ray mammography is good for an early diagnosis of breast, which has become the first choice for the diagnosis of breast imaging. Breast ultrasound can be used in examination of blind spots as well as detect soft tissue resolution. Breast examination without radiation, teenagers or pregnant, lactating women preferred method of examination of breast lesions. CT is generally used as supplement for mammographic X-ray and ultrasound examination. CT has incomparable identification of the cancer inside dense breast lesions and axillary tail and internal mammary lymph nodes. MRI examination has three evident advantages: 1)It has higher sensitivity for dense breast and local recurrence of breast cancer. 2)The fault is three-dimensional imaged, enabling more accurate lesion localization. 3)It is superior when it comes to multi-center, multifocal lesions detected violations of the breast tissue.