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  In describing application of pulsed MET to the neck (in a case of vertigo) Ruddy gave instruction as to the directions in which the series of resisted efforts should be made. These, he said, should include 'movements ... in a line of each major direction, forwards, backwards, right forward and right backwards or along an antero-posterior line in four directions along the multiplication "X" sign, also a half circle, or rotation right and left'.

在描述将脉冲 MET 应用到颈部(在眩晕症的病例中)过程中,鲁迪说明了一组受阻施力的方向。他说,这些方向应当包括“运动... 一组重点方向,向前方、向后方、向右前方和向右后方或者以 4 个方向沿着前后线呈乘号 "X"、半圆或左右旋”。

  If reducing joint restriction, or elongation of a soft tissue, is the objective then, following each series of 20 mini-contractions, the slack should be taken out of the tissues, and another series of. contractions should be commenced from the new barrier, possibly in a different direction - which can and should be varied according to Ruddy's guidelines, to take account of all the different elements in any restriction. Despite Ruddy's suggestion that the amplitude of the contractions be increased over time, the effort itself must never exceed the barest initiation (and then ceasing) of an isometric contraction.

如需降低关节限制或软组织延伸,那么每组 20 次小型收缩后,组织将会消除松弛,另一组 收缩应从新阻挡层开始,方向可能不同 根据鲁迪的指导,考虑到所有收缩的全部不同因素,该方向能够并且应该有所不同。尽管鲁迪建议收缩振幅应随时间而增大,施力本身绝不可超过等长收缩的最初引导(然后停止)。

  The benefits are likely, Ruddy suggests, to include Improved enhanced oxygenation and improved venous and lymphatic circulation through the area being treated. Furthermore, he believed that the method influences both static and kinetic posture because of the effects on proprioceptive and interoceptive afferent pathways, and that this can assist in maintenance of 'dynamic equilibrium: which involves 'a balance in chemical, physical, thermal, electrical and tissue fluid homeostasis'.


 In a setting in which tense, hypertonic, possibly shortened musculature has been treated by stretching, it may prove useful to begin facilitating and strengthening the inhibited, weakened antagonists by means of Ruddy's methods. This is true whether the hypertonic muscles have been treated for reasons of shortness/hypertonicity alone, or because they accommodate active trigger points within their fibres, or because of clear evidence of joint restriction of soft tissue origin.


The introduction of a pulsating muscle energy procedure such as Rudd/s, involving these weak antagonists, therefore offers the opportunity for:

•Proprioceptive re-education

•Strengthening facilitation of weak antagonists

•Further inhibition of tense agonists (possibly in preparation for stretching)

•Enhanced local circulation and drainage

•In Liebenson's words (1996), 'reeducation of movement patterns on a reflex, subcortical basis'.






用雷宾森(于 1996 年)的话说,“反射、皮质下运动形态的再教育”。

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