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This report examines the existing effort and resources that go into sport in England Dear Chancellor and Secretary of StateIn July last year you asked me to gather a team to examine how to ‘ensure far better co-ordination of effort and resources in sport’ and to explore the ‘proposal to involve private and public sectors together in a new National Sports Foundation’ with a view to the possible extension of funding for sport. We are pleased to present the final report of the review. The team has distilled evidence from a wide variety of sources; we have listened to the views of over 200 stakeholders across the public, private and voluntary sectors and we would like to thank them all for their input. It is clear from our research that sport plays a valuable role in society and that Government has recently made good progress (especially in school and elite sport) although there is still room for improvement in the area of community sport. We have noted that Government does not always receive full credit for its investment, largely as a result of a confusing and fragmented funding infrastructure which lacks clear accountability and sometimes causes duplication across the sporting landscape. Whilst the private sector generally recognises sport as an attractive platform for marketing, companies are reluctant to invest significant sums of money –especially at grass roots level –to a sector that is at least partially lacking in commercial orientation and effective management. There is, however, an appetite for additional corporate sponsorship accompanied by clear guidance, an understanding of the business needs of sponsors and a well co-ordinated national campaign for sport, as is the case in Germany. At the operational level, private sector providers are keen to maintain and expand their current investment, as long as they are not penalised by local planning guidelines or a lack of transparency in contract tendering. Together with the re-establishment of a voice for sport at local government level (through the CPA culture block), this private sector investment could help to renew and refinance the current ageing and heavily subsidised facilities to ensure equality of access and participation across the country. We have, therefore, identified five key areas for consideration and recommend that over the next three years (to March 2008) they inform the priorities of the sports sector. 1. To introduce robust measurement and monitoring systems that inform Government investment at local level and ensure clear lines of accountability 2. To promote the personal benefits of sport and physical activity and to help people identify their local delivery points 3. To improve the local delivery of sport and suggest the Government considers how it can support the co-ordination of public, private and voluntary sector investment –as well as las and regional bodies –in order to improve local sporting facilities 4. To create, under strong Government leadership, a single access point and brand for sport in England and to streamline duplicating ‘back office’ functions that would release more money for front line activity 5. To provide targeted incentives and commercial assistance –via a new National Sports Foundation (NSF) –to encourage individual and corporate support and to ‘help sport help itself’ These recommendations directly address the primary issues identified during the review team’s consultations. It is our considered opinion that the above five areas represent the next stage of the journey for sport and will build upon the momentum already achieved. The report shows that sport has considerable financial resources which can be redeployed to deliver more and better services. In addition, innovative capital and revenue funding schemes working with the public, private and voluntary sectors could enable us to continue with our programme of reform and ensure that, at all levels, we are fit for purpose by 2012. Sport is good for public health, for communities and for national identity. The sector depends in no small measure on the good will and involvement of volunteers and commercial investors whose continued commitment will in part be predicated on our getting the next steps right. There is a significant prize to be won. 1. Introduction and executive summary 1.1 Cover letter Lord Carter of Coles 6 Focus of This report.


该报告分析了现有的精力和资源,进入英国体育亲爱的总理和国务秘书在7月去年你问我,凝聚了团队,研究如何确保更好的协调的精力和资源在体育'探索“建议,涉及公共和私营部门一起,在一个新的全国体育基金会的资金运动,以期可能延长。我们很高兴能够提出的最后报告的审查。该团队已经从各种各样的来源蒸馏证据,我们已经听了跨越公共部门,私营部门和志愿机构超过200个利益攸关方的意见,我们想感谢他们为他们的输入。很显然,从我们的研究,体育在社会中扮演一个重要的角色,而政府最近已经取得了良好的进展(尤其是在学校和精英体育),虽然仍有改善社区体育在该地区的空间。我们已经注意到,政府并不总是得到充分的信贷投资,这主要是由于一个混乱和零散的资金基础设施缺乏明确的问责制,有时会导致重复横跨体育景观。虽然私营部门普遍认识到体育营销作为一个有吸引力的平台,企业不愿投资显着大笔的钱,尤其是在基层的一个部门,至少是部分缺乏商业导向和有效的管理。有,然而,伴随着明确的指导更多的企业赞助的胃口,理解业务需要保荐人及良好的统筹全国竞选运动,是在德国的情况。在操作层面,私人部门的供应商都热衷于保持和扩大他们目前的投资,只要他们不受到惩罚当地的规划指引,或缺乏透明度,在合同招标。这个私营部门的投资一起运动在地方政府层面(通过CPA文化块)的语音重新建立,可以帮助更新和再融资当前的人口老化及大幅资助的设施,以确保全国各地的访问和参与平等。因此,我们已确定了五个关键领域进行审议,并建议在未来三年(至2008年3月),他们告知体育界重点。 1。要引入强大的测量和监控系统,告知政府投资在地方一级问责,并确保清晰的线条。为了促进运动和体力活动的个人利益,并帮助人们确定他们的本地投递点3。为了改善当地的体育交付,并建议政府认为它可以支持如何协调公共,私人和志愿机构投资以及LAS和区域机构,以改善当地的体育设施4。强势政府的领导下,要创建一个单一的接入点和品牌,英国体育和精简复制'后勤办公室'的功能,从而释放更多的钱用于前线活动5。为客户提供针对性的激励措施和商业援助通过一个新的全国体育基金会(NSF),鼓励个人和企业的支持和帮助运动帮助这些建议直接解决的首要问题,在审查小组的磋商确定。这是我们考虑认为,以上五个方面的运动之旅,并表示下一阶段将建立在已经取得的势头。该报告显示,运动有相当大的财政资源可以调配,以提供更多更好的服务。此外,创新的资本和收入与公共部门,私人部门和志愿机构的资助计划的工作可以使我们能够继续我们的改革方案,并确保各级,,我们是2012年适合目的。体育是对公众健康,为社区和国家认同。该部门依赖的良好意愿和参与的志愿者和其继续承诺将在部分我们得到正确的下一步骤为前提的商业投资者不小的措施。有是一个显着的要赢得的奖金。 1。 1.1求职信卡特勋爵科尔斯6本报告的重点介绍和内容提要。

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