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代写美国essay:International Trade and Globalization


 International Trade and Globalization代写


Globalisation has been intensifying, widening and deepening since 1945. This trend looks set to continue. The
global integration of markets has created many economic, cultural and social opportunities, but it has also
created challenges for states, firms and individuals. This module will allow students to develop and deepen
their understanding these opportunities and challenges.


This module will provide students with a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of international trade in
the context of economic, social and cultural globalisation, as witnessed since 1945. Through this module,
students will explore the international business environment, including issues in international economics and
international management. An understanding of the challenges and opportunities created by globalisation for
firms, states, markets and individuals is a critical aspect of international management education.


On successful completion of the module the students will be able to:

1.       Interpret and analyse the historical development of the international trading system since 1945.

2.       Analyse and interpret the contemporary international trade environment.

3.       Critically evaluate the mechanisms for the global governance of the world economy.

4.       Critically evaluate economic globalisation and its implications for business, including an understanding
         of relevant economic theory.

N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.

Formative Assessment

Draft essay on which written feedback is provided.

Summative Assessment

         A critical essay (Equivalent to 3,000words). (100%).
         learning outcomes 1 to 4

         IMPORTANT - Please see below for further guidance on the critical essay.
         This is NOT simply a general essay ‘on globalization’…!
         Failure to follow the guidance below may lead to a ‘fail’ mark for this module; if you are in
         any doubt regarding what is being asked for, please consult with the module leader, Greig
         Mill, who will be happy to assist.


         You must select one of the following titles for your essay, and state clearly which title you
         have selected.

         Topic 1.          Trade Liberalization, Trade Protectionism
         Discuss the effects of trade liberalization and/or of protectionism.
         For example: Under liberalization, who wins and who loses, to what extent?
         Or: What arguments are put forward in support of protectionism, and which, if any, are valid?
         Or: What are the effects of limited regional trade liberalization such as in the EU or NAFTA?
         Where   more   than   one   point   of  view   is   relevant,   provide   a   balanced,   critical   discussion.
         Illustrate your discussion with examples.

         Topic 2.          Transnational Corporations
         Consider the rise of the transnational corporation (TNC). Within this topic area there are a
         number of interesting questions to explore. You must choose a well-defined topic and keep
         your discussion focussed on the chosen topic.
         For example: What effects do TNCs have on ‘home’ countries and ‘host’ countries? 
         Or:   Why   might   foreign   direct   investment   (FDI)   be   an   attractive  option   for   internationally
         expanding firms in comparison to, say exporting or licensing?
         Or: Can TNCs be truly global - how useful are the terms ‘home’ and ‘host’ country? 
         Other aspects of TNCs may be explored with the agreement of the course tutor. Where more
         than   one   point   of   view   is   relevant,   provide   a   balanced,   critical   discussion.   Illustrate   your
         discussion with examples.

         Topic 3.          Fair Trade Certification
         Consider the rise of fair trade certification of some products eg coffee, chocolate, bananas.
         In addition to demonstrating your understanding of how fair trade certification has developed
         and    how    it  works,  you    must   also   provide   a   discussion    of  some    more    exploratory    or
         contentious relevant issues.
         For   example:   Is   fair   trade   certification   always the   best   way   to   help   producers?   Are   there
         alternatives to fair trade certification that may help producers more?
         Or: Is fair trade certification useful for only a small number of products (typically crops), or
         can it be extended to other products such as manufactured goods?

         Topic 4.          The Impact of Trade on the Natural Environment
         Consider the impact of international trade on the natural environment. Within this topic area
         there are a number of interesting questions to explore. You must choose a well-defined topic
         and keep your discussion focussed on the chosen topic.
         For example: In what ways might international trade impact on the natural environment? Is
         the total effect of these impacts likely to be positive or negative?
         Or: Does the impact of international trade on the natural environment vary from country to
         country? For example, are poorer developing countries particularly at risk?

Topic 5.           A Globalizing World
Within   this   topic   area   there   are   a   number   of   interesting   questions   to   explore:   you   must
choose a well-defined topic and keep your discussion focussed on the chosen topic.
For   example:   Discuss   the   role   of   the   nation   state   in   a   world   that   is   seen   as   becoming
increasingly       interconnected       internationally      and    in   which     transnational      corporations,
transnational actors and other international organizations are increasingly evident.
Or: Which organizations or regimes control or influence the modern world with global effect?
How effective are they? Are the outcomes fair?
Or: What are the social impacts of globalization? You may wish to examine wider social or
cultural issues beyond the economic issues on which much of the module largely focuses.
Where   more   than   one   point   of   view   is   relevant,   provide   a   balanced,   critical   discussion.
Illustrate your discussion with examples.

Please note the following:

It is important to understand what is meant here by a ‘critical essay’. The key characteristic 
of  a  ‘critical  essay’  as  opposed  to  any  other  kind  of  essay  is  that  it  must  demonstrate  a 
sensitive appreciation that the topic under consideration is ‘contested’  - that is that there is
no single, universally-agreed, correct point of view.

The   main   aim   in   a   critical   essay   is   to   demonstrate   a   thoughtful,   balanced   and   detailed
understanding of different perspectives on the topic, and of how they relate to each other.

An important secondary aim in this case is to also demonstrate engagement with and critical
understanding of the learning materials in the module plus other relevant materials that you
may   select.   Put simply:  you  must  not  just provide  ‘a  good  essay’  –  you   must   provide   an
essay that   demonstrates   that   you   have studied the   material provided.   An   otherwise   good
essay that does not demonstrate this may be awarded a ‘fail’ mark.

Module:   MMB009 International Trade and Globalization


Please see full details provided on Moodle.

Note to Students:

Classes will finish 5 minutes before the hour.              Academic staff are responsible for ensuring that any
room used for teaching is completely vacated and ready for use by the timetabled end of the session.


The total study time which you should be setting aside for this module is  insert no. of hours.                            This
comprises  class  time,   tutorials,   assignment   work/assessments,   preparation   for tasks   set   in   class –
including action learning set meetings, and reading/private study.                  These figures are standardised in
University-wide documentation

You should note that only insert no. of hours of these hours are spent in class and an additional insert
number   of minutes  may  be   spent   in   tutorials.       Therefore,   over insert   number   of   weeks you   should
allow sufficient time for you to successfully complete the module.

Please see details provided on Moodle.

Your Academic Support Librarian to contact for help is Jane Munks

     This summary should be read in conjunction with the Module Handbook,
                           which can be accessed via the following link:
                               Postgraduate Courses Module Handbook

Module:    MMB009 International Trade and Globalization 

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