我们中心成立于1990年,是一家省级听力语言康复中心隶属于残联部门。Established in 1990, our center is a provincial hearing and speech rehabilitation center, which is affiliated to the disabled federations department.我中心是开展聋幼儿学前康复教育、言语矫治、听觉口语法教学、亲子同训和婴幼儿早期干预的听力语言康复训练中心。As a rehab center of hearing and speech, we are engaged in rehabilitation education for deaf children at the pre-school age, speech therapy, auditory-verbal teaching, parenting training and early intervention in infants .这些课程是我们为听障儿童提供的康复服务项目。同时我们拥有一支事业心强、文化素质高、业务能力强的专业技术队伍。These courses are the services we provide for children who have hearing difficulty. Meanwhile, we have a professional technical team that is of strong devotion, high culture quality and excellent business capacity.我中心从2009年开始试行教育改革,目前设有4个日托班,4个亲子同训班,为100名听障儿童提供服务。We began the trial education reform in 2009, and we have four daycare classes and four parenting training classes, providing services for 100 children with hearing impairment.我们本着“严抓教学规范,促进聋儿全面康复”的原则落实教改工作的具体要求。我们采用国内外先进的教学理念和康复设备,从听觉、语言、言语、认知和沟通五大领域,为聋儿设计合理的个别化训练方案,对家长及听障儿童进行有针对性的个性化的康复指导。We implement the specific requirements of the education reform on the basis of the principle "Strict teaching norms, and promote comprehensive rehabilitation for deaf children". We design appropriate and individualized plans for deaf children, and offer targeted and personalized training programs to parents and hearing-impaired children, fromhearing, language, speech, cognitive and communication these five areas and by adopting advanced teaching philosophy and rehabilitation equipment home and abroad.中心配备有一流的听力检测设备和康复教学训练设备,并设有功能齐全的训练场所。其中,听力门诊内设康复指导室、客观测听室、行为测听室、耳膜制作室、学习能力评估室、言语听觉评估室、听觉适应观察室和言语矫治室,开展助听器验配、人工耳蜗调试和言语矫治业务。我中心拥有优秀的硬件和软件设施。Our center is equipped with first-class