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美国心理学home work-媒体暴力队青少年攻击行为的


The Influence of Media Violence on the Aggressive Behavior of the Youth



When the media has been a necessary part in our life, people have gradually realized the violence content has become a big threat to the youth’s social development. Research on violent television and films, video games, and music reveals unequivocal evidence that media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts(Anderson, 2003). Here the influence of media violence on the aggressive behavior of the youth will be analyzed, and then the controling methods will be proposed aiming at the youth’s psychological development characteristics.


During the last decade, the media has been developing faster and faster. The development of media has promoted information transfer and social development. But the operation of media basically aims at commercial benefit, so it inevitably has a lot of illegal and harmful informationespecially including the violent and antagonism factors, which appear frequently. It is researched that influenced by media violence the youth possibly become “immune” to violence and unmoved in the violent scence. And they gradually think violence is one of the means to solving problems. They will immitate the ways of violence from the media, and recognize some character, which may be the victim or the aggressor. The current study builds upon previous research in a sample of 302 (52.3% female) mostly Hispanic youth. Results indicated that current levels of depressive symptoms were a strong predictor of serious aggression and violence across most outcome measures(Ferguson, 2011).


Media violence means the violence of language or behavior which appears in media. Since the 30s of the 21th century, reseachers mainly from America have made large scales of research on media violence for many times. Gerbner, G1980),an American communications theorist defines violence as “a blatant force performance of intentional harm or killing”. This is comparably a strict defination, not including pshological violence, oral threat, financial violence and so on.

攻击行为是一种在人类社会和动物界普遍存在的现象,青少年的攻击行为主要表现在三个方面,语言攻击 人身攻击和财产攻击。

Aggressive behavior is a kind of phenomenon commonly existing in the human society and the animal world. It can refer to any behavior of hurting others. The aggressive behavior of the youth is mainly reflected from three aspects. One is language aggression, another is body aggression, and the other is the damage of people’s properties.


Since the middle of the 20th century, a great amount of research has been made on the relationship between media violence and the behavior of the youth. The result indicates that the youth’s body and mental health will be badly and seriously influenced if they stay in a violent environment for a long time. The bad influence contains aggressive way of thinking, anti-society sense of value, hostility and hostile acts to others, fear and depression, and sleep disorder. Moreover, it shows from the trend of junenile delinquency that the criminals often immitate the means of crime or the ways of orgnization from all kinds of media.


A great amout of evidences prove that the influence of media violence on the aggressive behavior of the youth cannot be contempted. Media violence will cause the wakeness of aggression in a short time, improve aggressive recoginition and mood. It is found after the investigation of watching non-violent and violent story movies constantly for four days that the behavior after watching the violence is more aggressive, no matter enraged over or not. For the youth, the more they contact violence from the media, the more they become aggressive. That’s because they can learn all kinds of ways of aggression and memorize the strategies. Besides, after too much contact of media violence, the youth begin to believe in the validity of violence, and consider that aggression is a proper strategy of a hero. Media violence decreases the youth’s sensibility, and reduces their sympathy.

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