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代写coursework,Individual Assessment -Managing Business i

When working in a business context it is typical to produce reports in a relatively autonomous manner. The assessed part of the work for the course aims to help students to develop skills for report writing. Students are expected to produce an individual report which should be well structured and original, should consist of 2800 words and should provide a brief review of an industry or a company of the student’s choice linked with a more detailed analysis of one (or more) of the following suggestions:
– An analysis of how one or more of the European Union’s policies has/have influenced/influences the selected firm/industry. (参考lecture3,4notes)
– A review of the effects that the establishment of the Single European Market (SEM) or European Monetary Union (EMU) has had on the firm/industry. (参考lecture5,6notes)
– An analysis of the opportunities and threats for the firm (or future developments of the industry) associated with the enlargement of the European Union. (参考lecture9notes)
– A critical evaluation of the firm’s European strategy using one or more of the strategic frameworks presented in the lecture. (参考lecture2notes)
Key reading
• Core text
– Suder, G. (2008): Doing Business in Europe (New Edition) Sage publications Ltd., London
• Supplementary reading
– McDonald, F. and Dearden, S. (eds) (2005): European Economic Integration (4th Edition), Prentice Hall.
– Senior Nello, S. (2005): The European Union: Economics, Politics and History, McGraw Hill Education.
Managing Business in Europe
Coursework AUS Individual; 2,500 to 3,000 words
Name of student:
 UoB Number:
Title of project:
Brief synopsis of project (150 words maximum)
Feedback if needed.
Tutor’s signature: 
- 如何一个或多个欧盟政策有/影响/影响分析选定的公司/行业。 (参考第三讲,4notes)
- 建立欧洲单一市场(SEM)或欧洲货币联盟(EMU)的影响,已经对公司/行业。 (参考第五讲,6notes)
- 公司(或行业的未来发展)与欧洲联盟的扩大带来的机遇和威胁分析。 (参考lecture9notes)
该公司的欧洲战略,使用一个或多个在演讲中提出的战略框架 - 一个关键的评价。 (参考lecture2notes)
- Suder,G.(2008):在欧洲经商(全新版)贤者出版有限公司,伦敦
- 麦当劳,楼和迪尔登(合编)(2005年):欧洲经济一体化(第四版),Prentice Hall出版社。
- 高级尼洛,S.(2005):欧盟:经济学,政治学和历史,麦格劳希尔教育。

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