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See the Weekly Schedule for the due dates.  Using the DROPBOX  submit 2 Topic Reports (TR’s), each worth 30 points with at least 3 full pages of facts.  TR’s over 4 pages of facts lose 10 points.  You need to be concise in your papers.  Conclude  the 3rd page of facts with your personal application using only 7-10 lines including at least 6 personal pronouns (I, me or my) in bold connecting this topic to your life.  Select a topic that you find interesting in a peer-reviewed journal.  Tie it to any chapter in the text, tell me the facts giving credit the journal authors then add your personal reaction and submit it by the due date.  This is a report combining the factual information you learned and your personal application of this knowledge.  Be sure to review BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL PAPERS.  Submit in the DROPBOX with a separate attachment of your paper and of each complete journal as proof of your sources.
See the Weekly Schedule for the due dates.  
1. You are to select a topic from the text that connects to psychology.  I stress that you pick a topic that is important to you so that you will put to use the information.  Next, search for 3 peer-reviewed sources to support your topic.  Submit separate attachments for each peer-reviewed journal via Cobra.  Wait for my approval before you begin your research paper.  This topic is NOT one of your TR topics.  Be sure to read the Personal Application Research Paper Guidelines!!!
2. Remember this will focus on human behavior and mental processes (psychology).
3. This is a research paper of factual information ending with your personal application/reaction.  Controversial topics will have equal, factual support.  Stating ideas like “I really did not really learn much.” will not earn any points.  This paper is NOT to convince me of anything or tell me what you know or believe.  
4. I emphasize that you do not wait until the “last minute” to do your paper!  If you have not selected a topic by the deadline, I will assign you a topic.  You still need to send me sources to be approved before you begin our paper.  I will subtract 10 points for each source and topic changed after the topic deadline. 
See the Weekly Schedule for the due dates.  
1. Use DROPBOX to submit papers:  Late papers are reduced 10% /weekday.  Papers must 
be submitted  in order!!  Paper order: 1st -TR1, 2nd -TR2, 3rd -research paper then 4th –
extra credit paper.   NO EXCEPTIONS!!  To be eligible to pass this class, you must 
submit ALL PAPERS within 2 weeks of the due dates.  All papers must have the minimum # of pages! 
2. I strongly urge you to save ALL your work in at least 2 external drives/devices.  
3. All papers have a title page, outline, pages of text and a reference page using the examples later in this syllabus. Each page has a header, single-spaced in top right corner: 
     John Jones/101/007   p.#    TR1/5.12.13
4. Indent 1st line 5-7 spaces, left or full justification, double-spaced, college-level English.
5. Use Times New Roman font at 12, left & right margins at 1”.  Set the top & bottom margins to have 23 lines of sentences per page.  Limit each quote to 3 lines.  
6. Introduction paragraph: 10 lines max, text page ref. & end with a purpose statement.
7. After the introduction, underline the topic sentence & support it with 4-6 sentences, cite only your peer-reviewed sources within each paragraph.  Enter facts in sentences not as bullets.
8. All statistics/numbers/direct quotes end with a citation.  Example: (Freud, 2010, p. 77).
9. Conclude with personal comments bold print.  TR’s: 7-10 lines & Research papers: 10-14 lines.
10. Attach separate files of each journal article.  I only grade papers with actual proof of your  articles.  
11.  Grade scale for TR’s: facts: 80%, English/spelling: 10% and personal application: 10%.  
12. If you have an emergency, talk to me ASAP.  Save papers as MS Word or (rtf) Rich Text File.
13. Submit the complete paper when it is due so you will not lose points for any part of it being late.  I will grade papers submitted “on-time” before I grade late papers.  Please keep in mind I often teach 3 classes. 
14. For Research papers: Content @ 70%, APA/English/Grammar @ 20%, & Personal Application (in bold) @ 10%.   I stress APA accuracy in this paper.
15. For Research papers: at least 6 full pages of facts with headings matching the major points from your outline.  Next close with 10-14 lines of personal comments.  Research papers with over 8 pages of text lose 10 points.  Do not restate facts or add new facts in your personal application.  I am looking for depth of thought here and not stating the obvious, so this 10% is not a “gimme”.
Due date:
Topic Report 1 Due 6.24
Topic Report 2 Due 7.1
Select research topic due 6.28
Research paper due 7.15 

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