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Abstract: language and culture are inseparable, the process of learning a foreign language is to master the process of a new culture. Students only need to improve the communicative competence of the foreign language know-how, also needs to learn the language of the country's cultural background with understanding, attention to cultural differences. Thus, in teaching to note the following: (1) different values; (2) vocabulary are different; (3) cultural practices are different. The purpose of cultural education is to enable students to better grasp the language, the ability to improve the communicative use of language. 

Key words: culture and education; English teaching; language 

First, the relationship between language and culture 

Language and culture are inseparable. As long as the language one used, was given a meaning, it is always a relationship with a culture, whether it is expression, expression or symbol of a cultural, linguistic and cultural integration into one. Language is an aspect of culture is part of the culture, but also the carrier of culture. Restrict the language and culture, as the language of the cultural connotations. Culture by means of language teaching and dissemination to all human knowledge and experience can only be described through language, preservation and dissemination. Language is a mirror reflecting the national culture, reflecting a nation's customs, lifestyles, characteristics of thinking and values. Language and culture influence one another, of understanding the language must understand the culture, will be able to further deepen the understanding of a culture's understanding of their language, a more accurate use of language. American linguist, Colorado said: "We do not have the cultural background can not teach language. Language is part of the culture, therefore, do not know how cultural patterns and norms can not truly learn the language." 

Second, the college English teaching in the importance of culture and education 

The process of learning a foreign language is to understand the process of a new culture."College English new outline" clearly states: "The ultimate goal of English teaching is to train students to master and apply the learned knowledge of language, the way that written or oral communication skills, interpersonal skills that need to improve the language learning know-how, perhaps the use of national language understand the culture. " 
The face of the object of English non-English majors, although their future opportunities for foreign students of English may not be as much, but they should be numerous, in addition to their Arts and balance, many disciplines, professional different, with China's reform and opening-up depth, the increasing foreign exchanges, they will in future cross-cultural communication as a vital role. 
Using the destination language with the people to interact, to understand their speech habits and behavior, the only way not because of cultural differences and misunderstanding of its meaning. Every nation has its unique culture, this unique social norms to determine their interaction, moral customs, language rules. If learning a foreign language, only pay attention to the language the meaning of the surface, while ignoring the underlying cultural factors that can cause misunderstandings and contradictions, and even cause conflict. By the grammar, vocabulary, etc. caused by errors, can be forgiven and accepted, but if the violation of the pragmatic rules, questions and snooping each other's privacy, such as age, income, etc., is likely to lead to the other side of the offensive, and even damage the relationship with each other 
Learning the target language and cultural background knowledge is the need for classroom teaching. English language teaching in the past, will focus on teaching grammar and sentence drills, and sentence patterns are mostly: "What's your name? How old are you?" And so on.This completely divorced from the cultural background of the written exercises, even if the students turn out to be memorized, in practice will encounter problems, such as the Chinese people on the road meet, greet each other, to where? Gansha go? If we encounter such foreign friends ask, it will cause resentment and dissatisfaction of the other party that you are interfering with his privacy. Therefore, from the cultural background, ignoring the target language culture and national identity, will enable students to model their lifestyle and culture up to apply to the language learning of students of communicative ability is less effective. LR Pa Melbourne linguist said: "language faithfully reflects its games and entertainment, a variety of beliefs and prejudices." To train students to use foreign languages, first of all to make them acquire the basic knowledge of the target culture, Attention to Cultural Differences. Thus, in teaching to note the following: 
1. Different values 
China's traditional values, family line is the most important thing in life. Foster parents, child now has even more talent as their only goal in life, for children, completely abandoned his ideals and the pursuit of that child left home to study, could not bear the loss of a sense of empty nest, follow the children to read along with foreign land, completely lost their identity, and become dependent for their children and live goods. The American parents believe that their child is just part of life, they will not give up his pursuit of the child. Problems in the education of their children, they let their children act independently. Therefore, develop independent habits of American children at an early age, advocating personal struggle, dependent on their parents by their stigma. Chinese people say things secure in the stability and development, while the Americans are advocating is the innovation. If students view the classroom which came a spark of innovation, will be taught immediately treat the other eye, much appreciated. 
2. The meaning of different words 
Vocabulary, including its figurative meaning, style and emotional and so on. For foreign language students, not only to grasp the literal meaning of the word, but also understand the cultural meaning of the word, otherwise, would be guilty of a serious pragmatic errors. Good words when verbal abuse will to ridicule as praise, misunderstanding in communication. Such as the peasant word in Chinese is "peasant" means. Common in primary and secondary school textbooks "My father is a peasant." The sentence, but "peasant" word, the farmers only its basic meaning, its interpretation as well as "generally refers to low social status are not educated people," "countryman, farmer, hillbilly," "education of poor people, rude people."Know the significance of peasant variety of word, it is not difficult to explain why many foreigners call our peasant farmers find it difficult to understand. Similarly, many foreigners The poor peasant talked about their happy life today. (Poor peasants about their happy life) hard to understand this sentence. poor is the lack of money, lack of property, poverty, poor farmers, what a happy life there? Because they do not understand the poor peasant and the rich peasant class status is a distinction between the language of liberation. 
In China, some word is derogatory. Such as: landlord (the landlord), capitalist (the capitalists), while in Britain and the U.S., these are like a teacher, doctor, like the neutral words; Similarly, in Chinese, ambitious as derogatory: ambitious, but it is commendatory word in English : ambitious, aspiring. Instead, propaganda (propaganda), dogooder (doing good) The Chinese in the commendatory, in English is: to incite, utopian social reformers, nosy people. Thus, learning vocabulary, not only to grasp the surface meaning of the word, but also understand the deeper meaning of the word, emotional, understanding the vocabulary and cultural differences between English and Chinese. 
3. Cultural practices of different 
Different cultural backgrounds, resulting in cultural practices among different ethnic groups a huge difference. Under its influence, many different nationalities and their behavior language of daily communication but also a huge difference, to bring a certain cross-cultural communication barriers. If the call on the Chinese in Bo, Uncle, uncle, regardless, aunt, reflects the Chinese custom of respect for the old, the young must one by one, otherwise, it is considered rude arrogant. However, in Britain and the U.S. are very different, under normal circumstances, people, regardless of seniority, regardless of age and status can address him by name.Especially in the more familiar each case, the young son address him by his father's name, address him by father-in-law's name is common. If in our country, it is certainly regarded as traitorous. Reciprocity, the Chinese people will generally buy more expensive gifts, money, the more able to express affection for each other, directly give money also common. The Anglo-American to choose some meaningful only small gifts, as long as love, acceptance does not care whether the person is valuable, give money directly to more unacceptable. "College English" Intensive Unit Volume III "gift", the description of an old woman in the U.S. eighty-year-old daughter received a birthday check sent, the anger already has the, tore up the check the situation: Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it up. Her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into bits. "In Western eyes, give money only to fulfill duties and obligations, and carefully selected gift is the condensation of love and affection. daughter do not want to spend time buy for her beloved little gift, that she does not love his mother. 
Cultural differences exist in all aspects of life, we must look everywhere, carefully observed and compared, and strive to master the language learning and cultural characteristics of the country, to the cross-cultural communication, have good sense of proportion, speech act appropriate to achieve the purpose of successful communication. 
Currently, students deep and detailed understanding of the cultural characteristics of target countries, foreign language teaching is our top priority. This requires that we not only have dual-language teacher knowledge, but also the cultural knowledge of the dual. Teachers teaching the double guarantee of cultural attainment. Teachers should improve the sensitivity of the target language culture, to master new cultural trends in target countries in order to properly guide students; encourage them to expand their readership and broaden the cultural horizons; should be more contacts with the foreign teachers, it can be in the thinking and behavior affected by the subtle way to learn than classroom knowledge; should make full use of audio-visual equipment, a large watch original movies, listen to recordings of conversations, so that students become familiar with the cultural characteristics of the target language, thus more accurately use the language to communicate. 
The purpose of cultural education is to enable students to better grasp the language, the ability to improve the communicative use of language. Resides in the language and cultural education should be among the teaching and learning, rather than independent of the language teaching and learning.




学习外语的过程是理解的过程中,一种新的文化。 “大学英语新大纲”明确指出:“英语教学的最终目的是培养学生掌握和运用所学的语言知识,书面或口头的沟通能力,人际交往能力,需要提高语言学习的方式,知道如何,也许是使用国家语言,了解文化。“
学习的目标语言和文化背景知识是课堂教学的需要。在过去的英语教学,将重点放在教学语法和句型操练,句型大多是:“你叫什么名字?你多大了?”等。这完全脱离文化背景的书面练习,即使学生要记住,在实践中会遇到的问题,如道路上的满足了中国人民,互相问候,到哪里呢?干啥去了?如果我们遇到这样的外国朋友问,它会引起另一方的怨恨和不满,你是干扰他的隐私。因此,从文化背景,无视目标语言文化和民族认同,让学生来模拟他们的生活方式和文化的语言交际能力的学生学习是事倍功半。 LR霸墨尔本语言学家说:“语言忠实地反映了其游戏和娱乐,各种信仰和偏见。”为了培养学生运用外语,首先使他们掌握目标文化的基本知识,注意文化差异。因此,在教学中要注意以下几点:
词汇,包括其喻义,风格和情绪等。对于外语的学生,不仅要把握这个词的字面意思,也理解了文化这个词的含义,否则,将犯一个严重的语用失误。好话说谩骂嘲笑好评,沟通误解。如中国的农民词是“农民”的意思。常见于小学和中学课本的“我的父亲是一个农民。”这句话,但“农民”这个词,农民只有其基本含义,它的解释以及“一般是指社会地位低,没有受过教育的人”,“乡下人,农民,乡巴佬”,“教育不好的人,粗鲁的人“。知道农民各种字的意义,这也不难解释为什么许多外国人称我们的农民觉得很难理解。同样,很多老外今天谈论他们的幸福生活贫苦农民。 (可怜的农民他们的幸福生活)很难理解这句话。可怜的是缺乏资金,缺乏的物业,贫穷,贫穷的农民,有什么幸福的生活?因为他们不理解贫农和富农阶级地位解放的语言之间是有区别的。
不同的文化背景,不同种族群体之间的巨大差异造成的文化习俗。在它的影响下,许多不同的民族和他们的日常交际语言行为,但也是一个巨大的差异,带来了一定的跨文化交际障碍。如果呼叫博,伯伯,叔叔,阿姨,无论对中国,反映了中国的敬老习俗,年轻人必须一个接一个,否则,它被认为是粗鲁傲慢。然而,在英国和美国有很大的不同,在正常情况下,人,不论资历,不论年龄和状态,可以直呼其名。尤其是在更熟悉每一种情况下,年轻的儿子直呼他父亲的名字,直呼岳父的名字是常见的。如果在我们的国家,那肯定是被视为卖国。礼尚往来,中国人一般会买更昂贵的礼物,金钱,更能够表达对对方的感情,直接把钱也很常见。英美只选择一些有意义的小礼物,只要喜欢,接受不关心这个人是否是有价值的,直接给钱更不可接受。 “大学英语”精读单位第三卷“礼物”,说明在美国的80岁的女儿一个老妇收到生日检查发送的愤怒已经有撕毁了检查情况:老太太慢慢地弯腰把它捡起来。她可爱的礼物。她用颤抖的手指把它撕碎位。 “在西方人眼里,给钱只是履行职责和义务,并精心挑选的礼物是凝结的爱和亲情。,女儿不想花时间买给她心爱的小礼物,她不爱他的母亲。

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