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UTS International Perspectives FIP001 assignment 代写


UTS  International Perspectives FIP001 assignment 代写

Project Brief International Perspectives FIP001 SEMESTER 03, 2017 Credit points : 6 Subject Coordinator : Mariana Rodriguez Deadline : Week 5 (end of class) ASSESSMENT TASK 1 : WEBSITE GAPMINDER WORLD (WEIGHT 35%) TASK DESCRIPTION Your assignment is to use Gapminder World to write three sections investigating development in your country from 1900. You will critically analyse what the data used in Gapminder World means and how we measure ‘development’. You will discuss your country’s ‘trail of development’, highlighting relationships, trends and events. You will consider what conclusions you can draw from your data and the ways in which Globalisation processes have shaped your country’s development. This project will comprise 600 words and a selection of 3 images from Gapminder World. LEARNING OUTCOMES
Source, select and organize information cohesively according to academic conventions;

UTS  International Perspectives FIP001 assignment 代写 
Develop knowledge about theoretical perspectives on Globalisation processes and understanding of the effects upon individuals, communities, and nations to demonstrate understanding of the relationships among these components;
Explore, analyse and evaluate variations in the role and effect of Globalisation processes upon individuals, communities and nations.
Acquire practical ICT, design and technology skills in order to address challenges posed by processes of Globalisation in an innovative manner.
Note : The information in this subject outline was correct at the time of printing. However, you should check eStudent regularly for any updates to the information contained in this subject outline. INSEARCH CRICOS provider code: 00859D I UTS CRICOS provider code: 00099F INSEARCH Limited is a controlled entity of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), a registered non–self accrediting higher education institution and a pathway provider to UTS. BRIEF The aim of this assignment is to develop your data analysis, research, writing and presentation skills. The assignment also aims to develop your understanding of global patterns and macro-trends, focusing on key-aspects of global development as it relates to your home country. This will help you develop a current, fact-based world-view that will provide a good grounding for further study on the dynamic Globalisation processes impacting the world and your home country. Using Gapminder World To undertake the research necessary to complete this assignment you would need to attend your scheduled Workshop in Weeks 2 and 3 where you will learn how to navigate Gapminder World. Attached to this Project Brief is a User Guide that shows you how to use Gapminder in terms of buttons and features. Analysing your country’s ‘trail of development’ Use the ‘select’ panel on the right hand side to choose your home country to focus on. You will examine average life expectancy and income per person over time and address the following points: 
Explain the importance of the Gapminder graph very carefully. “Life expectancy” appears on the vertical axis (y axis) and “Income per person” on the horizontal axis (x axis). Define what Life Expectancy and Income per person mean (which requires defining “GDP per capita”).
Examine the data showing your country’s development since 1900.
During what time period does life expectancy change drastically? During what time period does income per person change drastically?
Use a number of “screen shots” to highlight the significant changes you have identified. Your assignment must contain 3 screen shots.
Research historical events that may be likely reasons for these dramatic changes and that help explain your country’s trail of development.
Look at web sources to figure out causes for the changes. What possible conclusions can you draw? 
What is the link between income and life expectancy? (think about why more money may improve health outcomes)
Can you see any evidence of the impact of Globalisation in your country’s trail of development? Academic English component This assignment aims to build your writing and presentation skills. Your assignment will need to include written text components ( 600 words). It is important that your written expression conveys ideas clearly. Your spelling and grammar needs to be correct, and vocabulary choice and expression appropriate. References Your assignment must contain a list of all the research references used for your project. The list of references must follow the UTS Harvard Referencing Style Guide. 1 DEADLINE You must provide a draft on week 4 during the second part of your weekly workshop. The final project dead line is at the beginning your scheduled Workshop in week 5. To submit your assignment, you need to
Create a page in your FIP001 folder as part of your e-Portfolio.
Submit a copy of your text to Turnitin by the end of your workshop 5.
You will find a link to submit your assignment on UTS Online under ‘Assignments’. Anything handed in after the above will incur late penalties. Please check the Subject Outline for late penalties. Aim to keep your Turnitin score under 25% to avoid a penalty All work must be spell checked and grammar checked. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Selection of material and use of Gapminder World 40% Level of understanding about development and Globalisation 20% Quality of research 20% Quality of written communication (including referencing) 20% UTS  International Perspectives FIP001 assignment 代写

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