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代写 CX770011IndustryProject |
ProjectProposal Guideline |
Introduction andBackground(wordcount guideline– 100 to150) ·Introduction whichgivesan outline ofthe rest of this proposal ·Background informationabout theproject |
Project Aims (wordcount guideline– 100 to150) ·Description of theproject aims– what doyou intend to achievewith this project? |
Literature/ SituationAnalysis (wordcount guideline– 500 to800) · An overview of an existingliteraturerelated to theprojectaims (morethanfive relevant andcurrent references arerequired).Or · A situation analysisincludingclear evaluation oforganization's internalandexternal environment to understand the organization's capabilities, customers, and business environment. |
Project approaches (wordcount guideline– 200 to250) · Discussion and justification ofthe projectand/or problem solvingapproachesyou plan to use ·Discussion of ethical considerations |
Project Management (wordcount guideline–100 to150) · A feasible, realistic, andclear project schedule toguideyour proposed projectshowing milestones or progress dates and the completion date in a clear formatsuchas aGantt chart oratable ·Resources (realistic andfair)required to completethe project |
Project ProposalMarkingRubric | Student’sname: | ID: | ||||||
Criteria | 0 | 1mark | 2marks | 3marks | 4marks | 5marks | X | Total |
IntroandBackground |
Notstated |
Vaguely discussed |
Inadequatelydiscussed orirrelevant |
Statedbutneed improvements |
Clearand appropriate |
Excellentandwell written |
1 |
ProjectAims |
Notstated |
Aimsarenot relevant |
Aimsarestatedbutnot clear |
Aimsarestatedbut needimprovements |
Clearaims |
Excellentaimsandwell written |
1 |
Literatureiswellfocusedonthe projectaims,presentedina well- organizedandintegratedstyleand usesrealisticandrelevantnumber ofcrediblesources OR SituationAnalysis |
Notstated |
Notrelevant,very poorlyorganized ornotfrom crediblesources Verypoorly analysed(SA) |
Inadequatelywritten, poorlyorganizedor irrelevantor not sufficient Analysisispresented andexplained,some gapsintheanalysisor theexplanationofthe analysismaybe unclear(SA) |
Statedbutneeds someimprovements |
Clearlystatedand focusedonproject aims,appropriately organizedandfrom crediblesources Analysisisclearly presentedwith appropriate comparisonand justification(SA) |
Excellentandwell- focusedonprojectaims, inawell-organizedand integratedstyleand fromcrediblesources Athoroughanalysisis presentedandwell explainedwithexcellent comparisonand justification(SA) |
3 |
Projectapproaches:Discussion, justificationandEthical considerations |
Notstated |
Vaguely discussed |
Inadequatelydiscussed ORirrelevant |
Statedbutneed improvements |
Clearand appropriate |
Excellentandwell written |
2 |
ProjectManagement:Feasibleand realistic.Visualrepresentationof projecttimeframe |
Notstated |
Notfeasibleor notrealistic |
Limitedinformation. |
Statedbutneed improvements |
Clearand appropriate |
Excellentandwell written |
1 |
Correctstyleandformattingforin- textcitationsandreferencelist: APAstyle(6thed.) |
Not included |
In-text referencingand referenceslistnot relevant |
Metminimum referencing requirements |
Appropriateuseof referencing guidelines demonstrated |
Gooduseof referencing guidelines demonstrated |
Excellentuseof referencingguidelines demonstrated |
1 |
ProjectProposalPresentation |
Lacks clarityand coherence |
Demonstrates verypoor competencein academic writing |
Demonstratespoor competencein academic writing |
Demonstrates averagecompetence inacademicwriting |
Demonstratesgood academic writing skills. |
Demonstratesexcellent academic writingskills. |
1 |
Marksout of 50 | ||||||||
Marker’scomments: |
上一篇:代写 SSUD 71-308 Project Contract Administration | 下一篇:代写 Econ 231 Introduction to International economics |