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代写 CLAYFIELD COLLEGE English for ESL Learners





English Department



YEAR 12 English for ESL Learners

Student’s Name:
Folio Item Number:    S1
Class:  12
Teacher:   BAK
Required Length:  7-10 mins
 Due Date: Tues 15th, Thurs 17th March
Genre: Analytical Investigative Report
Work Unit:  Women of Change
·              Three weeks’ notice of task
·              Prepared at home
·              Some class time will be available for preparation
·              A research journal of notes and sources to be kept
·              Written feedback on one draft only.   
·              Draft due 8th March
·              Open access to resources
·              Research journal, a reference list and script to be submitted on the first date of oral presentations
Assessment Criteria:  (as shown on the accompanying feedback sheet)
I declare that this task
is totally my own work.                         ____________________________
                                                                            (Student’s signature)

Genre:  Oral Analytical Investigative Report
Subject Matter:  Selected material related to historical and modern
                           women who have fought for social, political or
                           environmental change
Purpose: To analyse and inform
Audience: Members of the Clayfield College UNIFEM Board
Roles and Relationships: Expert to student body
Mode and Medium: Spoken powerpoint presentation

While many women in our modern world stand up for social, political or environmental issues, it is often considered that historical women were passive and submissive. Writers of history tell us though, that there were many women who rose up in their societies to initiate change.
UNIFEM is an international organization which provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programs and strategies to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality. The Clayfield College UNIFEM Board is holding a forum, “Women can change their world”, to broaden the College community’s awareness of historical and modern women who have been empowered to be catalysts of change in their societies.
You have been invited to prepare and present an oral report at the UNIFEM forum “Women can change their world”. You are to conduct an Inquiry which shows a thorough knowledge and understanding of two women of your choice - one historical and one modern - who have fought for and achieved change in their societies.
Your report should compare and contrast the two women in terms of:
Your oral report should not be a recount of facts, rather it should analyse the efforts of these women and evaluate who has made the most significant contribution to their society.
 代写 CLAYFIELD COLLEGE  English for ESL Learners
 代写 CLAYFIELD COLLEGE  English for ESL Learners
Student documentation of the text production process
To assist teachers in assessing student responses to tasks, you should provide written documentation that shows resources accessed during text production.
Resources Stages of text production
Material Plan Rough Draft Final Copy
School library
ESL Teacher
Other Teacher
Member of
Draft read and discussed:
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Assignment submitted:
Teacher’s Signature: Date:

Semester 3 Unit 1                                          Women of Change: Criteria for Spoken Analytical Investigative Report
Knowledge about Language In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-highly effective control of a range of
 verbal, non-verbal, visual and
 auditory features
 -precise and sustained control of a
wide range of grammatical
-discerning and consistent use of
 cohesive devices clearly linking
 ideas throughout texts
 - command of an extensive range of
   suitable vocabulary
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
- effective control of a range of
verbal, non-verbal, visual and
auditory features
 - sustained control of a wide
   range of grammatical
- consistent use of cohesive
devices clearly linking ideas
  throughout texts
 - a range of  vocabulary suitable
   for the particular purpose
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-suitable use of a range of verbal,
 non-verbal, visual and auditory
 - suitable application of grammar,
   with most clause and sentence
   structures grammatically accurate
-appropriate cohesive devices linking
 ideas and connecting parts of texts
 - vocabulary suitable for the
   particular purpose
In a spoken analytical investigative  report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-use of verbal, non-verbal and
 auditory language features
-application of basic grammar, with
 basic clause and sentence
 structures grammatically accurate
- simple cohesive devices
  connecting parts of texts
-basic vocabulary
In a spoken analytical investigative  report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-some evidence of basic verbal, non-
 verbal and auditory language
-basic sentence structures
 grammatically accurate
- basic connections between
- a narrow range of basic vocabulary
Cognitive processes In a spoken analytical investigative report,  the student work has the following characteristics:
-discriminating  selection, in-depth
 analysis and synthesis of relevant
 subject matter from a wide variety of
-insightful inferences and thorough
 evaluations drawn suitable to the
-insightful positions offered and
 maintained leading to accurate
 conclusions with well-substantiated
 justifications of decisions
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-appropriate  selection, effective
 analysis and synthesis of  subject
 matter from a variety of texts
-accurate inferences and effective
 evaluations drawn suitable to the
-realistic positions offered and
 maintained leading to accurate
 conclusions and effective
 justifications of decisions
In  a spoken analytical investigative report, the student  work has the following characteristics:
-appropriate  selection, simple
 analysis and synthesis of  subject
 matter from a variety of texts
-simple  inferences and evaluations
 drawn suitable to the context
-realistic positions offered and
 maintained leading to simple
 conclusions and justifications of
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
- selection and simple
  analysis of  subject matter from a
  variety of texts
-simple  inferences and
  evaluations drawn suitable to the
-realistic positions offered and
 maintained leading to simple
 conclusions and justifications of
In a spoken analytical investigative report,  the student work has the following characteristics:
- simple selection of subject matter
-simple  inferences made
-opinions offered
Communication Skills In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-exploitation of genre patterns and
 conventions that clarify or enhance
-insightful and perceptive integration
 of language features that effectively
 respond to the particular audience,
 purpose and context enhancing
- logical selection, cohesive
organization, insightful presentation
and expression of complex ideas
that suits the particular audience,
purpose and context
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-control of genre patterns and
 conventions that suit the context
-integration of language features
 that effectively respond to the
 particular audience, purpose and
 context, strengthening meaning
- logical selection, cohesive
organization, effective
presentation and expression of
complex ideas that suits the
particular audience, purpose and
In a spoken analytical investigative report, the student work has the following characteristics:
-control of genre patterns that suit the
-integration of language features
 that effectively respond to the
 particular audience, purpose and
- suitable presentation and
  expression of  ideas that suits the
particular audience, purpose and
In a spoken analytical investigative report , the student work has the following characteristics:
-aspects of genre patterns that
 mostly suit the context
-language features that respond to
 the particular audience, purpose
 and context
- presentation and expression of
  simple ideas
In  a spoken analytical investigative report , the student work has the following characteristics:
-aspects of genre patterns
-language features
- statements of simple ideas

代写 CLAYFIELD COLLEGE  English for ESL Learners             
   A                                             B                                             C                                           D                                           E

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