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代写 LIN205 Evaluation Grid_Textbook Review


Spring 2016
Maria Petrescu

代写 LIN205 Evaluation Grid_Textbook Review
Dear students,
I hope you had a relaxing weekend…
I am just writing to give you more details about the upcoming homework assignment due on March 14th.
First, as you may know, most part of tomorrow’s tutorial is dedicated to working on this assignment. I have posted an activity you will do with your TAs tomorrow, so make sure you either bring a hard copy or you have access to it online. Don’t be afraid to ask your TAs for help and suggestions if you need to.
Also, I mentioned in the requirements that you will need to use and follow either the APA or the MLA style. That being said, you will need to submit an assignment that consists of 5 pages: 1 cover page, 3 pages critiquing the textbook & 1 page with references. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the APA or MLA style, Purdue’s University website is a great resource:;
Ad Additionally, do not forget that the book review gives the reader a sneak peak at what the book is like, whether or not the reviewer enjoyed it, and helps the reader decide whether or not to purchase/use the book. That being said, and given the limited space you have for this assignment, make sure you include only the relevant information with regards to the book’s content and structure, as well as you offer support and arguments for the strengths and weaknesses you identify in the second part of your paper.
4.    Very importantly, when you make the final touches, carefully verify the following: i) double check the spelling of the authors’ names, special terms and publisher (if mentioned); ii) try to read your paper from the vantage point of your audience. Is there too much/enough summary? Do your arguments about the textbook’s strengths and weaknesses make sense?; iii) correct errors in grammar and mechanics (for reference, you can check Purdue's University website
As this type of assignment may be new to many of you, I encourage all of you to email me if you have questions or take advantage of the office hours, so you can get all the support that you need to succeed.
See you all on Wednesday.
M. Petrescu
 代写 LIN205 Evaluation Grid_Textbook Review

Read the following paragraphs and discuss in groups how the authors incorporated references to external sources.
1) The textbook distinguishes itself from traditional English grammar books mainly in two aspects. In the first place, it is framed on theory and makes a valuable attempt to integrate theory with the analysis of English grammar. Unlike mainstream English grammar books, such as Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), which focus primarily on forms, structures, and rules, this books starts with a theoretical account of cognitive linguistics and its basic constructs.
2) Moreover, numerous studies signal that textbook features that improve student comprehension include pre-reading questions, chapter outlines, inserts to signal key concepts, and “general interestingness” (Nevid & Lampmann, 2003). In my opinion, “Understanding English Grammar” has all the makings of a textbook that can help students successfully improve their grammatical knowledge as it includes chapter outlines as well as inserts to general key concepts.
3) One important principle of textbook writing is consistency in presentation (Nevis & Stonham, 1999). The authors of “Understanding English Grammar” are fairly consistent throughout the textbook although sometimes not sufficiently careful on points of details.
4) Unlike the earlier edition (Klammer, Schulz, & Della Volpe, 2010), the 7th edition of the textbook evolved in a number of ways including an extended discussion of African Vernacular English, more explicit ways of introducing new terminology, as well as additions of review exercises for each chapter. 

代写 LIN205 Evaluation Grid_Textbook Review

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