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COMM570 Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography 代写

COMM570 Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography 代写-
  AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF CULTURE AND SOCIETY SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION: CONVENTIONS and EXPECTATIONS COMM570 Paper Handbook Semester Two 2017 Please note: Any aspect outlined in this handbook is subject to change. - 2 - CONTENTS Lecturer Information (see Blackboard)  Pages: General Information  3 Paper Information 3-5 Paper Schedule: Topics and Tasks  6 Paper Regulations  7 Assessments 8-11 Assessment Cover Sheet  12  - 3 - General Introduction Academic Communication: Conventions and Expectations COMM570 Lecturer: Email: Ph: 9219999 x Office: WT Class Times Semester 2 2017 One hour Lecture: Two hour Lecture: Paper Information SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE and CULTURE Paper Title: Academic Communication: Conventions and Expectations Paper Code: COMM570 Programme: BA various Points: 15 Level: 5 Prerequisite/s: Nil Corequisite/s: Nil Student Learning Hours: 150 including individual tutorials  Class Contact: 36 Self- Directed: 114 Total Learning Hours: 150 PRESCRIPTOR:  The paper develops students’ abilities to navigate the conventions and expectations of academic communication. It fosters student autonomy and acculturation into the university community of practice. Students reflect on individual, social and cultural influences on academic communication while developing the multi-literacies competence required for success in their undergraduate studies. The paper has a strong focus on critical literacies and the development of academic writing.  LEARNING OUTCOMES: On successful completion of the paper students will demonstrate: 1.  developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level 2.  developing ability to critically engage with academic texts 3.  the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing - 4 - CONTENT 1 Reading and navigating the university system – Institutional literacies Understanding and using multimedia technologies – Digital literacies Reading and relating to people and cultures – Social and cultural literacies Decoding and manipulating texts, discourses, genres and practices – Critical literacies Understanding the mechanics of reading, writing, listening, and speaking – Language literacies Producing academic texts and adhering to academic conventions – Academic literacies 1 Based on the framework proposed by Miller (2015) LEARNING & TEACHING STRATEGIES Students will be engaged by participating in the learning process as collaborators and recognizing and valuing what they bring to the paper. The learning of new knowledge and skills will be scaffolded. Students are expected to develop independence in their style of learning, an awareness of a range of learning strategies they can use, and strategies for coping with the demands of communication at tertiary level. This paper will be offered in a combination of lectures, workshops, tutorial sessions, interactive resources on Blackboard and personal study. The emphasis is on the dynamics of an interactive classroom where students work co-operatively, learn to take responsibility for their own learning and develop independence and initiative. Students will read discipline-related texts and use this material to develop understanding of their discipline, its expectations and conventions. A portfolio of work will provide evidence of learning that takes place throughout the course. This will include coursework, and evidence of engaging with the various literacies, goals and strategies both for the course and for further development. There will be ongoing formative feedback on individual weekly tasks, with summative assessment events. ASSESSMENT PLAN All assessment items are compulsory Weighting % Learning Outcomes Three summative assessments test achievement of the learning outcomes and determine the final grade for the paper. Assessment 1: Annotated bibliography Week 6 Assessment 2: Essay i.  Draft for feedback Week 9 ii.  Final due Week 13 Assessment 3: Final Reflections Week 12 No weighting. Grade criteria apply. A final grade is determined in accordance with achievement on the three learning outcomes. 1,2,3, - 5 - RESULTS GRID 2017 Mahara Portfolio tasks Weeks 1-4 (compulsory) Completed Yes  No Learning Outcomes  LO1 LO2 LO3 Assessment 1 Annotated bibliography (Turnitin & hard copy) Assessment 2 Essay i.  Draft for feedback (Turnitin & hard copy) ii.  Final Essay (Turnitin & hard copy) Assessment 3 Final Reflections (Mahara) FINAL GRADE Grade Map  Grade Map 1: A+  A  A-  Pass with Distinction B+  B  B-  Pass with Merit C+  C  C-  Pass D  Fail Overall requirement/s to pass the paper:  Students are required to complete an online portfolio of work . All assessment items must be submitted. All Learning Outcomes must be achieved. Attendance requirements must be met. READINGS Miller, A. (2015). On paper, in person, and online: A multi-literacies framework for university teaching. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 9 (2), 19- 31. Wingate, U. (2012). ‘Argument!’ helping students understand what essay writing is about. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(2), 145-154. SET TEXT None - 6 - COMM570 Course Outline Semester 2 2017 (details are subject to change) Week Overview of topics covered Portfolio tasks & Assessments 1  Overview of course and multi-literacies Lecture 2 Compulsory lab: Diagnostic writing; Introduction to Mahara & Portfolio tasks; Blackboard; Booking library workshops; Academic Integrity Module 1; Miller (2015) issued Portfolio task 1 Notes 2 Institutional literacies: Multi-literacies required at university; Making notes; Acknowledging sources: direct, indirect, secondary citations, APA (6 th ) referencing journal articles. Feedback on diagnostic & learning plan. Paragraph format. Academic Integrity Module 2. Portfolio task 2 Learning Plan 3 Digital literacies: Understanding your subject area: degree and career planning; PL talks/videos. Finding and acknowledging sources; Institutional literacies cont’d; timetable planning. Paraphrasing. Reflective writing introduction. Academic Integrity Module 3. Portfolio task 3 Timetable 4 Introduction to Annotated bibliography: relevance, selecting & reading academic texts relevant to a particular topic (intro essay topic); Reading, making notes (bullet points only) and keeping a record of sources. Social & cultural literacies Miller (2015), Group work video; Reflective writing task. Portfolio task 4 Notes & Reflective writing 5 Critical literacies: Focussed annotated bibliography. Reading & establishing a position; Finding relevant evidence; Argument in academic essay genre; Library search for 2 journal articles. Mahara PF tasks due 4pm Wed 14 August 6 The essay: Essay format and process; Essay instructions, criteria; Critical literacies contd; Language and academic literacies; Work on annotated bibliographies; Review progress on multi-literacies and plans to improve them; Issue Wingate (2012). Assessment 1 Annotated bibliography due 4pm Friday 1 Sept Mid Semester Break 26 August – 10 September 7 Establishing a ‘position’: Review Wingate; Structure of essay introduction; evaluate and draft introductions. Essay planning & body paragraph headings. Critical reading for paragraphs. Language & academic literacies. APA referencing 8 Developing an argument: From paragraph to essay, development of argument in body paragraphs; Writing a conclusion.; Writing techniques; Begin drafting body paragraphs; Essay analysis 9 Learning from feedback: Annotated bibliography to essay, Closing with impact, check links between introduction & conclusion. Complete draft body paragraphs. Quote or paraphrase? Check referencing and reference list Assessment 2 Essay draft due 4pm Friday 29 Sept 10 Fine-tuning: Avoiding plagiarism, Using source material: Appropriate academic language & style, tentative language. Check position and supporting evidence; improve cohesiveness. Review academic conventions. Writing techniques, 11 Revising & editing: Editing and proof reading; Lecture 2 compulsory lab: Essay drafts – Students check feedback, revise, edit, etc. Writing techniques, academic style. 12 Review & reflection: Lecture 1: Review of multi-literacies and course; Reflections on learning and future planning. Ass 3 Questions issued. Lecture 2 Compulsory lab: Assessment 3 Final Reflections in class Assessment 3 Final Reflections In class Lecture 2 13 Assessment 2 Essay final due 4pm Wed 25 Oct - 7 - Paper Regulations Cell phones Cell phones and mobile devices must be switched to silent mode and not accessed during lectures unless for purposes approved by the lecturer.  Attendance To pass the paper, students should attend lectures/classes regularly [at least 80% attendance is recommended]. Attendance for all Computer Lab sessions is compulsory (Weeks 1, 11 &12) Unless indicated otherwise, attendance at all classes is extremely important. If you miss a session, you may find it very difficult to complete the assessment requirements. Note: it is the student’s responsibility to catch up on missed information by checking on Blackboard. Withdrawal Any request by a student to amend their programme of study or withdraw from a programme or paper must be made in writing. (2017 AUT Calendar, The General Academic regulations, Part 3, Section 9.1, 9.5) A student’s enrolment in a paper or programme may be terminated by the paper or programme leader if the student is deemed to have withdrawn through non-completion of compulsory elements of the paper or programme and has failed to give written notice. (2017 AUT Calendar, The General Academic regulations, Part 3, Section 9.2) Where a student withdraws, or is withdrawn, from a paper the official academic record shall record a grade of: W if withdrawal is formally notified on or before the date by which 75% of the paper has been taught. DNC if withdrawal is after 75% of the paper has been taught. (2017 AUT Calendar, The General Academic regulations, Part 3, Section 9.4)  Dishonesty in assessments The 2017 AUT Calendar (General Academic regulations, Part 7, Section 2.1) states that: The University Academic Regulations shall be breached if a student during an assessment and/or course of study: 2.1.1 copies from, or inappropriately communicates with, another person 2.1.2 is found in possession of any unauthorised equipment or material 2.1.3 plagiarises the work of another person without indicating that the work is not the student’s own 2.1.4 collaborates with others in the preparation of material, except where this has been approved as an assessment requirement 2.1.5 resubmits previously submitted work without prior approval of the examination board 2.1.6 uses any other unfair means. Reconsideration of grades Students who wish to have their grades for an assessment reconsidered should first talk to the lecturer concerned; they may then consult the Programme Leader and submit a Reconsideration of Assessment form within 5 days of receiving the marked assessment Complaints If there are any problems with your course, please firstly discuss these with your lecturer. You may also contact the Paper Leader. - 8 - Assessments Three summative assessments test achievement of the learning outcomes and determine the final grade for the paper. In addition, students are required to file and submit tasks for Weeks 1-4 in an online Mahara portfolio and are encouraged to save formative and summative work in the Portfolio throughout the course. The Portfolio provides a record of learning and evidence of engagement with the various literacies, goals and strategies both for the course and for further development. Students will get feedback on some of these tasks but may also email or print any written work to give to their lecturers for feedback. The final reflective assessment is saved and submitted through Mahara. NB Students must complete all assessments and compulsory tasks. Request for Special Consideration: You may apply for special consideration for assessment events when exceptional circumstances beyond your control, including illness or injury, seriously affect your physical or mental/emotional ability to attempt an assessment, or prepare for an assessment, or perform successfully during an assessment, or complete an assessment on or by the due date. • To apply for Special Consideration, complete the online Special Consideration Application which can be accessed from the menu at the top right side of the Blackboard page for the paper. • Please note that applications must be submitted within 5 days of the assessment due date. • It is advisable to also notify your lecturer of your application. In exceptional circumstances, resubmission of no more than one assessment may be granted, for example if a request for Special Consideration has been made. Late assessments: Assessment submissions which are handed in late without an application for special consideration will incur a penalty unless a Request for Special Consideration is subsequently approved. Academic Integrity Students who use other writers’ work without appropriate acknowledgement, copy other students’ work or copy their own or other students’ previously submitted assignments will receive a penalty and may be awarded a fail grade. Presentation Standards Accuracy in grammar, spelling and punctuation, and appropriate academic style and content are goals of all the writing tasks on this course. - 9 - COMM570 Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography (Submit to Turnitin & hard copy with cover sheet) LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED 1.developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level 2. developing ability to critically engage with academic texts 3.the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing A. Preparation Choose a topic or an issue in your discipline area which you would like to research for Assessment 2 Essay. Think about questions you might like to explore and check the topic with your lecturer. The topic will be reflected in the bibliography title. Use Library Search to locate two academic journal articles which might provide relevant information for your essay topic. You may need to skim read several articles or their abstracts before you select the two you will use. At this stage you should begin to formulate an idea of what your position/thesis might be, however, this may change after further reading. • The two academic journal articles will form the basis of an annotated bibliography (list of research sources) for your proposed essay topic. • Your bibliography will contain two entries, one for each article, listed in alphabetical order by author’s surname according to APA 6th conventions. • Each entry will consist of a full reference list citation and an annotation/ summary. B. Presentation Write an annotated bibliography for your essay according to the instructions below. 1. Write a title e.g. Stem Cell Research: An Annotated Bibliography 2. For each article a. provide a full reference list citation according to APA6th referencing conventions b. write an annotation - a short paragraph of 100-150 words which contains i.  a brief summary of the content of the article and any conclusions reached by the author ii.  an evaluation/indication of the usefulness or relevance of the article for your research including any limitations of the text for your purposes Note: Use the Annotated bibliography model studied in class as a guide for each of your entries. This is available on Blackboard. - 10 - COMM570 Assessment 2: Essay Instructions & Draft feedback (Submit to Turnitin & hard copy with cover sheet) LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED 1.developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level 2. developing ability to critically engage with academic texts 3.the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing Write an essay of 1000-1200 words according to the instructions below. ESSAY TOPIC Choose an issue in your discipline area and put it into the form of a question. This will become your essay question. To answer it you will need to develop an argument using the framework provided by Wingate (2012). To develop your argument, select and use relevant information from at least two academic journal articles, compare and contrast the evidence from these sources in order to establish your own position and present your position in a logical, coherent manner. You may use additional academic sources in addition to the two journal articles if you wish. Instructions for writing the essay Introduction: Provide some background information on the issue, define any terms necessary, clearly state your position/thesis and provide an outline of the structure of the essay at the end of the introduction. Body paragraphs: Explain or describe the issue, its relevance or importance in your field of study. Develop your argument clearly and logically with supporting evidence from the sources you have read. You should paraphrase information you have read and may not use more than two direct quotes. Conclusion: Summarise or restate your argument with reference to the position/thesis statement (in the Introduction). Conclude with a final thought or recommendation. References: Any sources you have cited or referred to in your essay must be listed in the list of References using APA 6 th format. - 11 - COMM570 Assessment 3: Final Reflections Week 12 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED 1.developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level 2. developing ability to critically engage with academic texts 3.the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing A. Assessment 3A: Notes - Week 12, Lecture 1. Reflect on all the work you have done in this paper throughout the semester and make some notes on the questions given out in Lecture 1. When appropriate, relate your reflections to Miller (2015) and Wingate (2012). TYPE your notes directly into the Assessment 3A section of Mahara. B. Assessment 3B : Final Reflections (90 mins allowed) EITHER 1. Use your notes from 3A to complete a short piece of academic writing according to the instructions given on the day of the assessment (2-3 paragraphs). Draft, edit then type the reflection, into the Assessment 3B section of Mahara. • You may use the first person as this is reflective writing • Ensure your paragraphs are well structured • Ensure your writing is relevant, clear, coherent and accurate • Use formal, academic vocabulary • Use appropriate linking words • Refer to Miller (2015) and Wingate (2012) when appropriate • Use correct APA 6 th referencing conventions when you cite Miller or Wingate OR 2. Use your notes to prepare a three to five minute oral powerpoint presentation per person on the same topic as above. • You can prepare and make this presentation individually or with others. • Upload the Powerpoint to Mahara 3B before the end of the time allowed. • Make your oral presentation to the rest of the class at the end of the time allowed. SUBMIT the Mahara page for Assessment 3 to your lecturer and stream at the end of the allocated time . - 12 - School of Language and Culture ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET FOR INDIVIDUAL WORK This section must be hand written Student Name: Student ID: Paper: Academic Communication: Conventions & Expectations Code: COMM570/Stream Lecturer: Assignment Name: Assessment Word count:  Turnitin similarity: % Due Date:
COMM570 Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography 代写- •  In order to ensure fair and honest assessment results for all students, it is a requirement that the work that you hand in for assessments is your own work. •  Please read and tick the boxes below before handing in your assignment. •  If you are uncertain about any of these matters then please discuss them with your lecturer. Assignments will not be accepted if this section is not completed. Where I have used someone else’s words, I have clearly indicated this referencing according to APA guidelines. Where I have used other people’s ideas or writing, I have clearly indicated this by putting them into my own words and adding the reference according to the APA guidelines Other than this, this assignment:  IS NOT copied from another student or previous assignment  IS NOT directly copied from books, journals or other materials. IS NOT cut and pasted or copied from the internet.  HAS NOT previously been handed in by me or anyone else in any other different course. HAS NOT been done by someone else (e.g. friend, relative, professional) Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________________________ - 13 - COMM570 Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography 代写-

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