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COMM570 cuisine adapt to NewZealand condition 代写

COMM570  cuisine adapt to NewZealand condition 代写

COMM570 Assessment 2: Essay Instructions
Submit to Turnitin & by hard copy with a cover sheet
Ass 2 Essay Draftdue 4pm Friday 29 September (Week 9)
Ass 2Essay Final due 4pm Wednesday 25 October (Week 13)
1.developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level
2. developing ability to critically engage with academic texts
3.the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing
Write an essay of 1000-1200 words according to the instructions below.
How japanese cuisine adapt to NewZealand condition
Then please use the reference I provide
Choose an issue in your discipline area and put it into the form of a question.
This will become your essay question.
To answer it you will need to develop an argument using the framework provided by Wingate (2012). To develop your argument, select and use relevant information from at least two academicjournal articles, compare and contrast the evidence from these sources in order to establish your own position and present your position in a logical, coherent manner. You may use additional academic sources in addition to the two journal articles if you wish.
Instructions for writing the essay
Introduction: Provide some background information on the issue, define any terms necessary, clearly state your position/thesis and provide an outline of the structure of the essay at the end of the introduction.
Body paragraphs: Explain or describe the issue, its relevance or importance in your field of study.Develop your argument clearly and logically with supporting evidence from the sources you have read. You should paraphrase information you have read and may not use more than two direct quotes.
Conclusion: Summarise or restate your argument with reference to the position/thesis statement (in the Introduction). Conclude with a final thought or recommendation.
References: Any sources you have cited or referred to in your essay must be listed in the list of References using APA 6th format.
Note there are two due dates, one for the draft and one for the final essayBoth the draft and final essay must be submitted to Turnitin and by hard copy.
In preparing and writing your essay, you should:
§   Read the texts you have selected and identify and make notes on relevant information.
§   Refer to information from at least two academic journal articles using in-text citations and list the texts you have referred to in your reference list at the end of the essay.
§   Include no more than two direct quotations.
§   Write your essay using Times New Roman or Arial 12 font and double line spacing.
§   Insert a header with your name and student ID number on each page.
§   Write the title of your essay and the essay question on the first page.
§   Write the list of References on the last page.
§   Refer to the Academic essay checklistand the Assessment 2 Essay Marking Criteria on Blackboardto make sure your essay meets the requirements.
Submit your essay on or before the due date:
§   Submit an electronic copy of your essay (draft and final) to Turnitinin the Assessment section of Blackboard (AUTOnline) by the due date and time.                                           
§   Print a hard copy of the essay (draft and final)and an AUT cover sheet.
§   Complete, sign and attach the cover sheet to the printed essay. Place the essay and cover sheet in the Assignment Box outside Reception WT Level 8 OR hand it to your lecturer on or before the due date and time.
Note:A cover sheet is not required for the Turnitin submission.
 COMM570  cuisine adapt to NewZealand condition 代写
If there is a reason why you cannot submit by the due date:
§   Request special consideration e.g for an extension, as soon as possible if there is a valid reason why you are not able to submit on time. Use the online Special Consideration Application (SCA) tab on Blackboard which contains a list of acceptable reasons. Complete the SCA form, attach any relevant documentation and submit the form. It is advisable to also notify your lecturerof your application.
Academic essay checklist& Draft Feedback Tick off below
Title of the essay & your essay question  
General statement to provide an engaging opening.
Relevant background information (including accurate definition & definition of key terms if appropriate)
Accurate statement of the main thesis /position of the essay in your own words.
4 Reference to the literature ( your authors)  
An overview of the structure of your essay. (Often a reformulation of the essay question into a sentence statement, will achieve this.)
1 Well-structured paragraphs that address the topic/thesis.  
2 Carefully formulated topic sentences delivering the ‘controlling ideas’ which target the requirements of the question.
3 Appropriate selection, paraphrasing and summary of relevant supporting material / evidence.  
4 Relevant information from at least two academic journals.  
5 Accurate citations and in-text references for all sourced material (paraphrased or quoted).  
6 No more than two direct quotations from the texts.  
1 A restatement of your thesis. (Change the tense)  
2 A recap of key points (controlling ideas) / a summary of your discussion (argument).  
3 A final conclusive comment that is relevant to your topic/thesis/content.  
Reference list(Include all sources cited in the essay)
1 Format according to APA (6th edition) system.  
2 Double space between items.  
3 Indent second (plus) lines for each item.  
1 Ensure unmistakable clarity in your expression and sentence structure.  
2 Ensure cohesive connection (linkage) between ideas. (Linkers used between & within, paragraphs).  
3 Proof read and edit closely to ensure language, grammar, spelling, vocabulary (mechanics), and academic style are carefully crafted and accurate.
Word count:Enter the number of words at the end of your essay.  

COMM570 Assessment 2: Essay Final

Learning Outcome Performance indicators Achievement above minimum required standard. Mark with 0 on line Not yet at required standard
1. developing awareness of individual, cultural and social influences on communication and successful engagement with the multi-literacies required for academic study at undergraduate level High Standard

Appropriate academic essay topic, highly relevant to discipline area. Evidence of extensive research & engagement with topic; Information from at least two journal articles with clear academic credibility, both highly relevant & useful for topic. All instructions followed, final essay is presented & formatted as required; draft & final essay submitted by due date to Turnitin & hard copy with cover sheet completed.

Minimum StandardTopic has some relevance to discipline area. Some evidence of research & attempt to engage with topic; Information from at least two journal articles with some academic credibility & relevance to the topic.Most instructions followed,possibly some presentation or formatting errors, draft &final essay submitted by due date but may be issues with Turnitin or hard copy or cover sheet.
2. developing ability to critically engage with academic texts High StandardComprehensive understanding of topic; evidence of critical reflection & analysis of relevant academic material. Position/thesis is based on reflection & response to academic research. Argument is developed logically and coherently, is supported by clear examples. Information from all texts is relevant, and paraphrased & integrated effectively. Minimum StandardEvidence of some understanding of topic but limited analysis of source material and few appropriate examples. Position not clear or well established; argument may include irrelevancies, may not be entirely logical. Information not always well -paraphrased, relevant or well -integrated.        
3. the ability to produce academic texts that meet the conventions and expectations of undergraduate writing High StandardEssay is clearly & logically written using features of written academic English and accurate APA referencing. Effective use of references and sources but no more than two direct quotes. Well organised & within the word limit. Introduction includes background information, a clear thesis/position statement & outline.Well- structured body paragraphs follow outline. Conclusion includes a clear summary/restatement of the argument & final comment.Minimum StandardA degree of clarity and logic is obvious but language errors affect coherence at times. APA referencing is used but not always accurately.  Some incorporation of references. Word limit may not be adhered to. Some weakness in organisation and presentation. Introduction attempts to introduce topic, state thesis & provide outline. Body paragraphs generally follow outline but points may not be well supported or linked. Conclusion attempts to summarise/restate argument.    

School of Language and Culture
This section must be hand written
Student Name:
Student ID:
Paper: Academic Communication: Conventions and Expectations
Code:  COMM570/…………
Assignment Name:
Assessment 2 Essay
Word count: Turnitin similarity
Due Date:
·           In order to ensure fair and honest assessment results for all students, it is a requirement that the work that you hand in for assessments is your own work.
·           Please read and tick the boxes below before handing in your assignment.
·           If you are uncertain about any of these matters then please discuss them with your lecturer.  Assignments will not be accepted if this section is not completed.
Where I have used someone else’s words, I have clearly indicated this referencing according to APA guidelines.  
Where I have used other people’s ideas or writing, I have clearly indicated this by putting them into my own words and adding the reference according to the APA guidelines  
Other than this, this assignment:  
IS NOT copied from another student or previous assignment  
IS NOT directly copied from books, journals or other materials.  
IS NOT cut and pasted orcopied from the internet.  
HAS NOT previously been handed in by me or anyone else in any other different course.  
HAS NOT been done by someone else (e.g. friend, relative, professional)  

Signature:  ___________________________
Date:  _______________________________
 COMM570  cuisine adapt to NewZealand condition 代写

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