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AUT Perception +Personality OB代写

AUT Perception +Personality OB代写

•Assessment 1:
Perception +Personality • •Guidelines
•1. Describe personal experience

a. Personality a)  PERSONALITY    10 marks (about 1000 words)
•Briefly describe an issue, relationship or incident at work, AUT or any other organisational setting, that will provide you with some insight into personality (your own and/or that of others). It could relate to conflict, job satisfaction, organisational culture, leadership, teamwork, etc. •Analyse the causes and consequences of the issue, relationship or incident. • •Integrate personal experience with academic theories and empirical studies. In addition to using a textbook on OB, you should refer to at least four peer-reviewed journal articles.  •You can choose one major aspect of personality and do it in detail or a few aspects in less detail. However, avoid trying to cover too many aspects because there will be too little depth that you can go into. •It is important that the theories and models of personality you refer to are applied to the issue, relationship or incident and are not only described. You will need to use APA 6th edition referencing.
•b. Perception •Identify and briefly describe another issue, relationship or incident at work, AUT or any other organisational setting, which will provide you with some insight into perception. •Discuss how and why two or more people could have seen the issue, relationship or incident differently.
•2. Literature •Minimum of 4 peer-reviewed journal articles for EACH topic. •Use AUT library website, e.g. “Library Search” on home page and Google Scholar in databases. •Find conceptual articles (theories, models, reviews) and •Empirical articles (where some of the following may have been used: questionnaires, interviews, observation, case studies, etc.)
•Literature continued •Identify relevant personality/perception concepts (e.g. Big 5, Barriers to accurate perception) •Explain key elements (e.g. Conscientiousness, assertiveness….Stereotyping, self-fulfilling prophecy) •Use some literature on general aspects of personality/ perception •Also find literature on the specific aspects that you identified      (e.g. Big 5…Conscientiousness, assertiveness)
     (e.g. Barriers…Stereotyping, self-fulfilling prophecy)

•Literature continued •Compare different authors on the same theme      and identify similarities and differences.

   e.g. “According to Black (2009) sterotyping is…, similarly White (2012) observes…; in contrast Brown (2001) suggests that…
•Do not simply summarise one author after another.
•Literature continued •Give theoretical examples on occasion.   e.g. Stereotyping occurs when…
  Be sure to include reference to empirical studies (what previous studies have found using questionnaires, interviews, etc.)
•Make sure your examples are about organisational behaviour (not families, friends outside of the organisation).
•Literature continued Don’t always simply put authors’ names in brackets. This is fine if you are indicating which authors have contributed to a field.
“Studies on stereotyping have shown that….” (Black, 2009; Brown; White, 2012) [in alphabetical order]

From time to time explain exactly what they wrote or found.
e.g. According to Black (2009) stereotyping is …Similarly White (2012) observes….In contrast Brown (2001) suggests that….Green (2013) found in her study that…

•3. Integration of experience and literature “In my situation stereotyping was hurtful because…Brown (2001) found in his study that when managers...However, Black (2009) discovered that…”

Spelling, punctuation,  grammar •Don’t write long paragraphs, very long sentences. •Do not use too many long quotes. •Proofread •
•Set out •Use headings a) Personality b) Perception •Number your pages. •Use 11 point font and1.5 spacing. •Staple the pages but do not use folders •
In-text and in the reference list Good

•Meticulous attention to detail. •Quotes in “quote marks”. •Authors cited, year + page no. for quotes.       Green (2007, p. 41) says that “perception…”
•Use et al. for 2nd and further references to the same authors, when there are 3 or more. For 1st reference use all authors’ names. •Reference list is in APA 6th edition. (See example on AUTonline and use AUT library guidelines, also on AUTonline.) Poor

AUT Perception +Personality OB代写

•Material is copied but no authors are cited = plagiarism. •Material is copied but is not in “quote marks”    = plagiarism. •Reference list not in alphabetical order, is inconsistent, e.g. use of first names, missing volume number, all pages not included, inappropriate use of ‘and/&’, et al., no DOI etc.

AUT Perception +Personality OB代写 •

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